Changes were made in the database while you were working. Do you want to update the database and override these changes to match yours?
Changes have been made to this database by an older version of Access or by an external source. In order to use the Tables ...
Changes the normal pointer to an hourglass (or another icon you've chosen) while the macro runs. When the macro finishes, ...
Changes to the attachment '|0' were saved to your hard drive in a temporary file. Would you like to save your updates to ...
Changes to this object can be made only at the Design Master.@Any changes you make will be discarded when the form is closed.@To ...
Changes were made in the database while you were working. Do you want to update the database and override these changes to ...
Changes were made in the database while you were working. The script will contain changes that will update the database and ...
Changing a column data type results in an index that is too large. Changing the data type of column ' ' on table ' ' from ...
Changing the column to the selected datatype will delete its indexes and all relationships it participates in. Do you want ...
Changing the column to the selected datatype will delete its indexes. Do you want to change the datatype and delete the indexes? ...