Choose whether to include presentation notes (from notes view) in your HTML documents. Also, select the position and orientation for the navigation buttons.
Choose from the list of saved layouts or select New Layout. Click Next to review, confirm, or modify the settings. Click ...
Choose the certificate (digital ID) for other people to use to send encrypted messages to this account. Entourage also uses ...
Choose the Insert Merge Field button to insert merge fields into the sample envelope address. You can edit and format the ...
Choose the Insert Merge Field button to insert merge fields into the sample label. You can edit and format the merge fields ...
Choose whether to include presentation notes (from notes view) in your HTML documents. Also, select the position and orientation ...
Circle Invalid Data Identifies all cells that contain values that are outside the limits you set by using the Validation ...
Circular Arrow Draws a circular arrow where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a circular arrow that's a perfect ...
Citations are not available in Notebook Layout View or Publishing Layout View. To use the Citations palette, change to Print ...
City Type the city you want Word to use. Word combines the Address, City, State, and Zip fields and uses the combined address ...