Enter a value to describe the ratio between the cycle times of the related activities. The cycle time ratio defines how many ...

Enter a value to describe the ratio between the cycle times of the related activities. The cycle time ratio defines how many cycles of a predecessor activity are required to supply the material or semi finished products that are needed for one cycle of the successor activity. The ratio is used to calculate the average cycle times for all activities of the production flow. The ratio is also used to calculate the Required takt time time of a feeder activity that is related to a downstream (successor) activity of a different production flow. You can include a scrap factor in the ratio. Example A cycle time ratio with the value 1 means that the activity cycle time is equal to the Average takt time time of the production flow version. This is the default value. A cycle time ratio with the value 2 means that the activity has to feed two activities per cycle time. Item A is produced in work cell A. Item A consumes two units of item B which is produced in the upstream work cell B. The cycle time ratio is 2.
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