Description: Removes a multicast transmission. Unless you specify /Force, existing clients will complete the image transfer ...

Description: Removes a multicast transmission. Unless you specify /Force,
             existing clients will complete the image transfer but new
             clients will not be allowed to join.

WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:
     /ImageType:{Boot | Install}

/Image:                 The name of the image that is associated
                                    with the transmission.
[/Server:]             The name of the WDS server. This can be
                                    either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN.
                                    If not specified, the local server
                                    will be used.
[/Force]                            Stops the transfer of all clients and
                                    deletes the transmission.
/ImageType:{Boot | Install}         The type of image that is associated with
                                    the transmission.

For boot image transmissions:
WDSUTIL [Options] /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:
     /Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64}

/Architecture:{x86 | ia64 | x64}    The architecture of the boot image that
                                    is associated with the transmission
                                    to start. Since it is possible to have
                                    the same image name for boot images
                                    in different architectures, you should
                                    specify the architecture to ensure that
                                    the correct transmission is used.
[/Filename:]             If the source image cannot be uniquely
                                    identified by name, you must specify the
                                    file name.

For install image transmissions:
WDSUTIL [Options] /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:

[/ImageGroup:]    The image group containing the image
                                    associated with the transmission.
                                    If not specified and only one
                                    group exists on the server, then
                                    that image group will be used.
                                    If more than one image group exists
                                    then the image you must specify
                                    this option.
[/Filename:]             If the source image cannot be uniquely
                                    identified by name, you must specify the
                                    file name.

To remove a transmission but allow all current transfers to complete:
WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:"Vista with Office"

WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Image:"x64 Boot Image"
/ImageType:Boot /Architecture:x64

To remove the transmission and stop all current transfers:
WDSUTIL /Remove-MulticastTransmission /Server:MyWDSServer
/Image:"Vista with Office" /ImageType:Install /ImageGroup:ImageGroup1
/Filename:install.wim /Force