Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pol /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pol /Alloc:[ ...

Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy.   1. wsrmc /Create:Pol /i:        must be a valid XML file.   2. wsrmc /Create:Pol   /Alloc:[] /Pmc:             /Cpu: [/Aff:] [/MgmtRule:] [/MaxWS:]             [/MaxCM: /MemOpt:]                          policyname Name of the Resource Allocation Policy being created.       /Alloc     Auto-generated name for the resource-allocation using the                   process matching criteria name. This will be auto generated.                  Do not supply this name while creating a top level allocation                   (default).                  Supply the name of the immediately preceding Allocation to the                  /Alloc switch, while creating a hierarchy of allocations.       /Pmc       Name of the Process Matching Criteria.       /Cpu       Percentage of CPU targeted for this Allocation.       /Aff       Affinity mask for the Allocation (for example - 0,3,5-11,31 or                  All)       /MgmtRule  Management rule for the allocation. Valid values are                   "EqualPerProcess", "EqualPerUser", "Standard"       /MaxWS     Maximum working set per process in megabytes.       /MaxCM     Maximum committed memory per process in megabytes.       /MemOpt    Action taken when the specified memory limit is exceeded.                   Options are - TERMINATEAPP or LOGEVENT.        Process matching criteria can be created when creating a resource        allocation policy. Definition of a process matching criteria can be        specified after /pmc:.       For example: wsrmc /create:pol polnameA /alloc /pmc:pmcnameB /rule        /path:c:	emp /rule /user:userA /cpu:80
English (United States)