A webservice request failed with status "401: Unauthorized" for the user ({0}). Please check the credentials. All mailbox items belonging to this user will be ignored.
A synchronized object with the same proxy address already exists in your Microsoft Online Services directory. There are two ...
A unique SMTP e-mail address that is used to identify the mailbox that is being moved and to match it with an existing Microsoft ...
A URL that specifies the end point used by active clients when authenticating with domains set up for single sign-on (also ...
A value between 1 and 100 that defines what percentage of the target mailbox will be filled with mail. For example, if you ...
A webservice request failed with status "401: Unauthorized" for the user ({0}). Please check the credentials. All mailbox ...
Access has been restored to the following services served from data centers in the regions indicated below. End Time: {0} ...
Access has been restored to the following services served from data centers in the regions indicated below. End Time: {0} ...
Access has been restored to the following services served from data centers in the regions indicated below. Start Time: {0} ...
Access has been restored to the following services served from data centers in the regions indicated below. Start Time: {0} ...