The ComputerSystem object and its derivatives are Top Level Objects of CIM. They provide the scope for numerous components. ...

The ComputerSystem object and its derivatives are Top Level Objects of CIM. They provide the scope for numerous components. Having unique System keys is required. A heuristic is defined to create the ComputerSystem Name to attempt to always generate the same Name, independent of discovery protocol. This prevents inventory and management problems where the same asset or entity is discovered multiple times, but can not be resolved to a single object. Use of the heuristic is optional, but recommended.  The NameFormat property identifies how the ComputerSystem Name is generated, using a heuristic. The heuristic is outlined, in detail, in the CIM V2 System Model spec. It assumes that the documented rules are traversed in order, to determine and assign a Name. The NameFormat Values list defines the precedence order for assigning the ComputerSystem Name. Several rules do map to the same Value.  Note that the ComputerSystem Name calculated using the heuristic is the System's key value. Other names can be assigned and used for the ComputerSystem, that better suit a business, using Aliases.
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