Provide the name of a SQL Server. To specify an instance, use the format MyServer\MyInstance. To specify the SQL Server instance on this computer, enter (local).
Project %1 is not associated with this project contract. Select a different project ID or clear the project ID to continue. ...
Project '%1' includes transactions in category '%2', which is not available for this project. Add category '%2' to project ...
Project stage rules do not allow the creation of an invoice proposal for project %1, with a %2 project type and a %3 project ...
Provide a name to define a company web address (URL) for your Sites Services pages. For example, if you provide the name ...
Provide the name of a SQL Server. To specify an instance, use the format MyServer\MyInstance. To specify the SQL Server instance ...
Provides structure order within a dimension combination, the levels within each structure and the criteria order for a constraint ...
Purchase agreement reference becomes invalid with this change, please select different project or remove agreement reference. ...
Purchase order %1 cannot be confirmed, either because the transaction date '%2' is not part of an open fiscal period, or ...
Purchase order %1 cannot be finalized on %2. The accounting date must be on or after the last accounting date %3 that is ...