Usage: DnsCmd/NodeDelete [/Tree] [/f] -- | /RootHints | /Cache -- FQDN of a zone -- FQDN of a node (with a '.' at the end) OR node name relative to the ZoneName /Tree -- must be provided, when deleting a subdomain; (Not to delete sub tree is the default) /f -- execute without asking for confirmation
Usage: DnsCmd /CreateDelegationInParent Flags /NewForest - promoting first DC in new forest /NewTree - promoting first DC ...
Usage: DnsCmd /EnumRecords - FQDN of zone node to enumerate /RootHints for roots-hints enumeration /Cache for cache enumeration ...
Usage: DnsCmd /EnumZones . Filters: /Primary - primary zones /Secondary - secondary zones /Forwarder - conditional forwarding ...
Usage: DnsCmd /Info - server property to view Examples: BootMethod RpcProtocol LogLevel EventlogLevel NoRecursion ForwardDelegations ...
Usage: DnsCmd /NodeDelete /Tree /f - | /RootHints | /Cache - FQDN of a zone - FQDN of a node (with a '.' at the end) OR node ...
Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /DeleteKey /Cert /FriendlyName /Subject /Issuer /Serial - friendly name of the certificate - subject ...
Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /GenKey /Alg /Flags /Length /Zone /SSCert /FriendlyName /ValidFrom /ValidTo - the key algorithm ...
Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /ImportKey /BindKey /Flags /Zone /SSCert /FriendlyName /ValidFrom /ValidTo - the private key file ...
Usage: DnsCmd /OfflineSign /SignZone /Input /Output /Zone /KeySetDir /GenKeySet /SoaSerial /Dnskey /Ds /AddKey /Signkey /ValidFrom ...