The %1 Proxy node will not be added to the XML document since not all required Setting node children could be created. We will continue with any other Proxy nodes since this was not the selected proxy.
Strings of the form "/o= " optionally followed by "/ou= " optionally followed by one or more instances of "/cn= ". Each " ...
Successfully rekeyed the security association with the client. Peer identity: %1 Peer IP Address: %2 Peer private IP Address: ...
tf\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\colortbl; ed0\green0\blue0; ...
The "{0}" evaluation license has expired. Please install another version of "{0}". For more information please see "{1}". ...
The %1 Proxy node will not be added to the XML document since not all required Setting node children could be created. We ...
The Active Directory Configuration Tool must be run before %1 Setup. See the %1 product documentation for more information. ...
The Alerter agent sent the maximum number of retries to device %1, but received no acknowledgement. The device may be disconnected. ...
The Alerter agent successfully received a message from the Device Management Server and connected successfully with the Mobile ...
The applicability rules or prerequisites have changed. This type of change means that the set of devices on which the new ...