The substitute font will permanently overwrite the original font in the document. You will still be able to use the original font later if you install it.
The submitted timesheet contains lines that have been rejected. Update these lines on your timesheet and then resubmit it. ...
The subscription service for Microsoft Office cannot be started. If the service fails to start, the editing functionality ...
The subscription service for Microsoft Office has not been able to connect to the Internet for an extended period of time ...
The substitute font does not support all the same character sets as the original font. Text in some languages might not display ...
The substitute font will permanently overwrite the original font in the document. You will still be able to use the original ...
The Suggested Copy Location Property for this item is corrupt. The copy locations may only be partially loaded. The next ...
The sum of the top margin, the bottom margin, the height of the page header, and the height of the page footer is greater ...
The supplemental support for this language is not installed, and you might not be able to type or display text in this language. ...
The supplied DataTable is incompatible with the schema of this Entity (External Content Type). The required column '{0}' ...