The Workspace name cannot include '<', '>', '*', '%', '', ':', '\\', '?', '+', '/' and the max length is 260 characters. It cannot end in a space.
Resource group name can only include alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end ...
The name must be unique across web service plans in this subscription and resource group. It cannot include ' ', '*', '%', ...
The Plan name cannot include ' ', '*', '%', ', ':', '\', '?', '+', '/' and the max length is 260 characters. It cannot end ...
The Web Service Plan name cannot include ' ', '*', '%', ', ':', '\', '?', '+', '/' and the max length is 260 characters. ...
The Workspace name cannot include ' ', '*', '%', ', ':', '\', '?', '+', '/' and the max length is 260 characters. It cannot ...
When the storage account associated with the Workspace changes its keys, the Workspace needs to resync to synchronize with ...
You have deployed your application {0} multiple times over the last week. Deployment slots help you manage changes and help ...
Your {0} has been consuming >85% memory over the last couple days. High memory consumption can lead to issues with your application, ...