This policy setting allows you to specify the default limit of how much data in kilobytes (KB) the web service shim can return per call. The application is allowed to specify a larger limit programmatically. If you enable this policy setting, you may specify the default limit of data in kilobytes the web service shim can return per call. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, a default limit of 3000 KB will be used.
This policy setting allows you to specify that only the default data file is upgraded on the first boot of Outlook. If you ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the additional location of templates. If you enable this policy setting, you may ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the default compatibility mode when creating new files in Word. There are three ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the default limit of how many instances per page the database shim can return. ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the default limit of how much data in kilobytes (KB) the web service shim can return ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the default timeout in milliseconds for the web service shim. The application is ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the default timeout in milliseconds used by the database shim. The application ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the encrypted database compatibility. If you enable this policy setting, the compatibility ...
This policy setting allows you to specify the encrypted database compatibility. If you enable this policy setting, the compatibility ...