Assigns a drive letter or mounted folder pathname to the volume with focus. Syntax: ASSIGN LETTER= | MOUNT= NOERR LETTER= ...

    Assigns a drive letter or mounted folder pathname to the volume with focus.


    LETTER=  The drive letter to assign to the volume.


                The mounted folder pathname to assign to the volume.

    NOERR       For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart
                continues to process commands as if the error did not occur.
                Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit
                with an error code.

    If no drive letter or mounted folder is specified, the next available drive
    letter is assigned. If the drive letter or mounted folder is already in use,
    an error is generated.

    By using the ASSIGN command, you can change the drive letter associated
    with a removable drive.

    You cannot assign drive letters to boot volumes or 
    volumes that contain the paging file. In addition, you cannot assign
    a drive letter to an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partition
    unless booted to Windows PE, or any GUID Partition Table (GPT) partition 
    other than a basic data partition, an ESP partition or a recovery 

    A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed.
