This command stops in progress build(s). Syntax - TfsBuild stop /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl /buildDefinition:definitionSpec ...

This command stops in progress build(s).

Syntax -
TfsBuild stop /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl
              /buildDefinition:definitionSpec buildNumber [buildNumber ...]
              [/noPrompt] [/silent]
TfsBuild stop /collection:teamProjectCollectionUrl buildUri [buildUri ...]
              [/noPrompt] [/silent]
TfsBuild stop teamProjectCollectionUrl teamProject buildNumber
              [buildNumber ...] [/noPrompt] [/silent]

teamProjectCollectionUrl    The url to the Team Project Collection used for build(s).
definitionSpec              The specification of the build definition(s) containing
                            the build(s) to be stopped. Wildcards are supported.
buildNumber                 The build number in the Team Project to be stopped.
                            Wildcards are supported.
buildUri                    The build Uri to be stopped.
teamProject                 The team project used for build(s).
[/noPrompt]                 Do not prompt while stopping the build(s).
[/silent]                   Do not write output to the console while stopping 
                            build(s). Implies /noPrompt.