A value that is used to determine the relationship between the number of elements in the record cache stored on the server and the number of elements stored in the Windows client record cache. For example, if the cache limit for the Framework table group is 2,000, and the cache factor is 20, 2,000 elements can be saved in the record cache on the server, but only 100 (2,000/20) elements can be saved in the record cache on the client.
A value that indicates that the vendor can submit quotes and proposals, but your organization has not yet purchased from ...
A value that indicates whether a field is visible to the user who is completing the request and, if the field is visible, ...
A value that indicates whether the item is purchased (item type of Item) or manufactured. The pending costs for a manufactured ...
A value that indicates whether the product was requested from a category or is an inventory item. The following values are ...
A value that is used to determine the relationship between the number of elements in the record cache stored on the server ...
A value that uniquely identifies the purchase order. The value must be specified when you create a purchase order. You can ...
A version referencing a released product master in the current company must be associated with the model in order to test ...
A version update typically involves changes in the data model, for example renamed or deleted tables, fields, data types ...
A virtual company can be created only by an administrator who is connected to a single Application Object Server (AOS) instance. ...