Usage: store location = (local | persistent | domain) domain = Sets the current IPSec policy storage location. Parameters: ...

Usage:   store [location = ] (local | persistent | domain)         [ [ domain = ]  ]  Sets the current IPSec policy storage location.  Parameters:    Tag         Value   location    Location of the IPSec policy store.   domain      Domain name (only applies to the domain location).  Remarks:  1. The persistent store contains IPSec policies that can be              assigned to secure this computer at start time. An assigned              persistent policy remains active even after the local policy or              domain policy is applied.           2. The local store contains IPSec policies that can be assigned to              secure this computer. If a domain policy is available, the              domain policy is applied instead of the local policy.           3. The domain store contains IPSec policies that can be assigned to              secure groups of computers in a domain.           4. It is recommended that the persistent policy be the most              restrictive of all policies. Domain policies and local policies              should complement persistent policies.           5. Use the 'set machine' command to configure a remote computer.           6. The default store is Local. Changes to the store setting persist              only as long as the current Netsh session. If you need to run              multiple commands in the same store from a batch file, use the              ‘Netsh Exec' when executing your batch file.  Examples: 1. set store location=local            - uses the local store of the current computer.           2. set store location=persistent            - uses the persistent store of the current computer.           3. set store location=domain            - uses the domain policy store for
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