This command configures the test controller service. Syntax- TestControllerConfig.exe configure /port: /serviceUser: /servicePassword: ...

This command configures the test controller service.

TestControllerConfig.exe configure [/port:]
        [/serviceUser:] [/servicePassword:] 
        [/accountName:] [/password:]

serviceUser                 User account under which test controller service 
                            will run. Default is "LocalSystem".
servicePassword             User account password. You will be prompted for 
                            password if you do not provide one. 
port                        Port on which this test controller will listen 
                            for request from test agent. Default port is 6901
TFSTeamProjectCollection    The TFS Team Project Collection with which you 
                            want to register the test controller. Specify a 
                            blank value to unregister from the current Team 
                            Project Collection.
accountName                 User info used by test controller to authenticate
                            with Team Foundation Server. Default is the 
                            service account.
password                    Password for the account name. You will be 
                            prompted for password if you do not provide one.
DatabaseServerInstance      Name of the server instance to create database to 
                            store load test results. This is required to use 
                            the load testing feature. This cannot be specified
                            when TFSTeamProjectCollection is specified.
RemoveLabServiceUser        Removes the lab service user account configuration 
                            and removes the user account from the local 
                            controller groups
LabServiceUserName          User account to be used as lab service user account

LabServiceUserPassword      User account password for the specified lab service 
                            user account. You will be prompted if you do not 
                            provide one  

Platform64                  Run the Controller Service as 64 bit process.
                            Only available on 64-bit OSes.

Configure controller with defaults:
TestControllerConfig.exe configure 

Configure controller and register with team project collection:
TestControllerConfig.exe configure /serviceUser:domain\user 
Configure controller by specifying controller user:
TestControllerConfig.exe configure /serviceUser:domain\user 
          /accountName:ServiceIdentity1 /LabServiceUserName:userIdentity1

Configure controller for load testing:
TestControllerConfig.exe configure /serviceUser:domain\user  