You must save your publication before using the Pack and Go Wizard. To save changes to your publication and then continue, click OK. To return to your publication, click Cancel.
You have reached the maximum number of styles. Publisher cannot work with more than 255 styles. Some styles may not be imported ...
You have typed an invalid field name. A field name can contain alphabetic and numeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and ...
You must align this object to margins. Because there is only one object selected, you must line it up to the page margins. ...
You must have a text box or table selected in order to insert fields into your publication. For information on how to insert ...
You must save your publication before using the Pack and Go Wizard. To save changes to your publication and then continue, ...
You need to install address validation software before you can validate the addresses of your recipients. Would you like ...
You previously published this Web site with the name '%s' and the Internet address (URL) '%s'. Click Yes to republish to ...
You tried to access a dBASE (.DBF) file, but its associated memo (.DBT) file couldn't be found or was invalid. Make sure ...
You're loading a font with the same name as a font installed on your operating system. Publisher will use the embedded font ...