The value of the ESP register was not properly saved across the call to function '%1' in DLL library '%2'. This is usually a result of calling a DLL function that has been declared with an incorrect number of arguments.
The value of %6 parameter %7 is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: %11.20. The permitted range is: from ...
The value of the %1 field must either be %2 or match the synchronization direction of the %3 entity because these entities ...
The value of the Currency Code field must be empty. General journal lines in foreign currency are not supported for employee ...
The value of the enumeration is invalid. Validate that the value is defined within the desired enumeration and try again. ...
The value of the ESP register was not properly saved across the call to function '%1' in DLL library '%2'. This is usually ...
The value of the explicitMember element for '{0}' in context '{1}' contains an element not defined in the taxonomy. xbrl ...
The value of the prepayment must be greater than 0.00 and less than or equal to 100.00 percent. Enter a valid percentage ...
The value of the prepayment must be greater than or equal to 0.00 (%1). If there is no requirement for a prepayment, cancel ...
The value of {0} parameter {1} is outside of the permitted range. The current value is: {2}. The permitted range is: from ...