Initial sync of entity has failed. Target entity contains at least one member that does not match a source entity member. Update members to ensure that they match source entity members. The code for the first member that does not match a source entity member: "{0}
Inhibits the growth of the decision tree. Decreasing this value increases the likelihood of a split, while increasing this ...
Ini file path '{2}' is not valid. Valid ini file path is needed to register performance counters for service '{0}' instance ...
initconfig: Warning: affinity specified is not valid. Defaulting to no affinity. Use ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION SET PROCESS ...
Initial sync of entity has failed. Target entity contains at least one member that does not match a source entity member. ...
Initial sync of entity has failed. Target entity contains at least one member that does not match a source entity member. ...
Initial sync of the entity has failed. The target entity contains at least one attribute that does not match a source entity ...
Initial sync of the entity has failed. The target entity contains at least one attribute that does not match a source entity ...
Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization. ...
Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization. ...