To set rules for submitting the form, open the Submit Options dialog box, select the option for performing custom actions by using rules, and then click OK.
To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, the statement must include all the required primary keys, unique constraints, ...
To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, the statement must include all the row version columns from the tables.Do ...
To retrieve information about this query, (!idspnInfoPath) must execute it against the database. However, (!idspnInfoPath) ...
To send this form in email, first save a copy to your computer. Then create a new mail message by using your preferred email ...
To set rules for submitting the form, open the Submit Options dialog box, select the option for performing custom actions ...
To submit your form to the following recipients from your default Microsoft Outlook email account, click Send. To go back ...
To work with VBScript or JScript, the Microsoft Script Editor feature is required. To install the Microsoft Script Editor ...
Tracking changes to the DataSet is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, modify the data connection to exclude change ...
Type: Retrieve and submit data(!idspnSharePoint) site: %1List: %2An (!idspnInfoPath) form template exists for this list and ...