Usage: nisadmin.exe computer name server_action specific_options common_options where server_action must be one of: mkmaster ...

Usage: nisadmin.exe [computer name] server_action  [specific_options] [common_options]

server_action must be one of:
    mkmaster   Make specified server the NIS master.
    mkslave    Make specified server the subordinate server.
    addserver Add specified server as subordinate.
    delserver    Remove specified subordinate server.
    config     Configure the service parameters.
    syncall    Synchronize changed maps with subordinate servers immediately.
    start      Start the service.
    stop       Stop the service.
    pause      Pause the service.
    continue   Continue the service.
               Choose the encryption method for a domain.
common_options are :
    -u user    User name with administrative privileges.
               Uses current user if not specified.
    -p passwd  User password. Requires -u option.
               Prompts if only -u is specified.

specific_options are :
    for server_action 'mkmaster':
    -d domain  Name of the domain. This option is mandatory.

    for server_action 'mkslave':
    -d domain  Name of the domain. This option is mandatory.
    -m server  Domain controller to be made the master NIS server.
               This option is mandatory.

    for server_action 'addserver':
    -d domain  Name of the domain. This option is mandatory.
    -m server  Name of server to be added as subordinate NIS server.
               This option is mandatory.

 for server_action 'delserver':
    -d domain  Name of the domain. This option is mandatory.
    -m server  Name of server to be removed from subordinate server list.
               This option is mandatory.

 for server_action 'encryptiontype':
    -d domain  {crypt | md5}
               Name of the domain and one of the encryption methods.

    for server_action 'config':
    pushint =  PushIntervalInMinutes
               Time interval in minutes at which service checks for
               changes to NIS maps in Active Directory Domain Services and propagates
               them to subordinate NIS servers for all domains.

    logging =  {normal | verbose | n | v}
               Specifies amount of information to be available
               in event logs.
               normal  or n : logs failure events.
               verbose or v : logs failure, warning, success events.

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