Usage for RSS.EXE VOLUME MANAGE sub-interface RSS VOLUME MANAGE interface Syntax RSS VOLUME MANAGE . | /DFS: /SIZE: /ACCESS: ...

Usage for  RSS.EXE VOLUME MANAGE sub-interface    RSS VOLUME MANAGE interface    Syntax  RSS VOLUME MANAGE  [  . | *]                     [/DFS:]  [/SIZE:]                    [/ACCESS: ]                    [/INCLUDE:]  [/EXCLUDE:]                     [/RECURSIVE]    Example  RSS VOLUME MANAGE * /DFS:80 /SIZE:4  /ACCESS:60            /INCLUDE:\Program Files:*            This example manages all volumes with desired free space of 80%, managing only   files with sizes > 4KB, not accessed in past 60 days.   It adds an include rule for all files under the \Program Files directory.    This interface lets users manage the specified volume(s).      This is the drive-letter or the volume name spec. of the                   volume to be managed. A * can be provided which indicates all                   manageable volumes should be managed.    /DFS     Sets the desired free space for the volume. Default is 5 % if this is            not specified    /SIZE    Sets the minimal size in KB units for files to be managed, i.e. only            files larger than this will be managed   Default is 12KB if this is            not specified.    /ACCESS  Only files not accessed in the specified number of days will be            managed. Default is 180 days.    The next few options apply to include/exclude rules:    /INCLUDE    Supplies an inclusion rule to be added to the volume for migration               criteria.               The format of the rule string is:  [: ].                If the  is not supplied, * is assumed (i.e. all files               under the specified path).    /EXCLUDE    Supplies an exclusion rule to be added to the volume. The format               of the rule is the same as that for inclusion rules (see above).               NOTE: Both INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE may not be specified in the same               command line.     /RECURSIVE  This option should be used only in conjunction with /INCLUDE or               /EXCLUDE. It specifies that the rule should be applied to all               folders under the given path.
English (United States)