Description: Removes a custom namespace. Unless you specify /Force, existing clients will complete the image transfer but ...

Description: Removes a custom namespace. Unless you specify /Force,
             existing clients will complete the image transfer but new
             clients will not be allowed to join.

WDSUTIL /Remove-Namespace /Namespace:

/Namespace:         The name of the namespace to remove.
[/Server:]             The name of the WDS server. This can be
                                    either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN.
                                    If not specified, the local server will
                                    be used.
[/Force]                            Deletes the namespace and stops any current

To delete the namespace but allow any current transfer to complete:
WDSUTIL /Remove-Namespace /Namespace:"Custom Auto 1"

To delete the namespace and force all client transfers to stop:
WDSUTIL /Remove-Namespace /Server:MyWDSServer /Namespace:"Custom Auto 1"