Distribution Manager installed IIS on the distribution point "{0}". A non-zero error code {1} was returned. A system restart is required to complete the installation.
Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1" because its operating ...
Distribution Manager has not tried to install IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". You should install ...
Distribution Manager installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". Installation process ended with ...
Distribution Manager installed IIS component of operating system to distribution point "%1". The tool returned non-zero error ...
Distribution Manager installed IIS on the distribution point "{0}". A non-zero error code {1} was returned. A system restart ...
Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send a forwarding request to site "%2", requesting that site to forward ...
Distribution Manager instructed Scheduler and Sender to send the package information for package "%1" to child site "%2".%12%0 ...
Distribution Manager instructed SMS Scheduler and Sender to send a forwarding request to another site, requesting that site ...
Distribution Manager is retrying to distribute package "%1".%12 Wait to see if the package is successfully distributed on ...