Create a new Calendar Event 1. wsrmc /Create:Cal /i: must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Cal /Pol: | /Sched: /Freq: ...

Create a new Calendar Event

 1. wsrmc /Create:Cal /i:
       must be a valid XML file.

 2. wsrmc /Create:Cal  [/Pol: | /Sched:] 
           /Freq: [/Interval:] [/Day: 
           [/Mo:]] [/Month:] [/Monthday:] 
           [/Sd:] [/Ed:] [/St:] 
           /Dur: [/Desc:]

      calendar-name   Calendar Event to be created.
      /Pol      Policy Name to be associated with the specified Calendar Event.
                Policy. If no Policy is used, Calendar Default Policy will be 
      /Sched    Schedule Name to be associated with the specified Calendar 
      /Freq     Specifies the frequency of occurrence of the calendar event
                Valid Frequency types: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY,ONCE.
      /Interval Specifies the interval for FREQ Type.
                Ex: /FREQ:Monthly /Interval:2 => "Every 2 months"
      /Day      Specifies the day of the week.
                Valid values: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN or DAY.
      /Mo       Modifies for DAY type.
                Valid Values:FIRST,SECOND,THIRD,FOURTH,LAST.
                Ex: /DAY:SUN /MO:SECOND => "Every Second Sunday"
      /Month    Specifies month of the year. Defaults to the first day of the 
                Valid values: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT,
                NOV, DEC.
      /Monthday Specified the Day of the Month.
                If FREQ is Monthly|Yearly, specifies the day of the month.
      /Sd       Specifies the Start Date. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) 
                Default is current date.
      /Ed       Specifies the End Date for the Event. Use the mm/dd/yy 
                (month:day:year) format.
      /St       Specifies the Start Time. Use the hh:mm (hour:minutes) format. 
                The format can be a 24 hour format (i.e 14:30) or a 12 hour 
                format (i.e 2:30 PM).
                Default is current time.
      /Dur      Specifies the Duration of Event. The format is Day:Hr:Min.
      /Desc     User defined description for the policy.
                (Maximum of 256 characters allowed)