Each AccountSKU returned will include the following information: AccountName: The name of the account this SKU belongs to. ...

            Each AccountSKU returned will include the following information:

            AccountName: The name of the account this SKU belongs to.

            AccountObjectId: The unique ID of the account this SKU belongs to.

            AccountSkuId: The unique string ID of the account/SKU combination. This value should be used when assigning or updating licenses.

            ActiveUnits: The number of active licenses.

            ConsumedUnits: The number of licenses consumed.

            ServiceStatus: The provisioning status of individual services belonging to this SKU.

            SkuId: The unique ID for the SKU.

            SkuPartNumber: The partner number of this SKU.

            SubscriptionIds: A list of all subscriptions associated with this SKU. For the purposes of assigning licenses, all subscriptions with the same SKU will be grouped into a single license pool.

            SuspendedUnits: The number of suspended licenses. These licenses are not available for assignment.

            TargetClass: The target class of this SKU. Only SKUs with target class=user are assignable.

            WarningUnits: The number of warning units.
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