Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpExchange Server Installation Usage: Setup /Mode:Install /Roles: /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms ...

Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpExchange Server Installation Usage:    Setup /Mode:Install /Roles: []      /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms    Setup /Mode:Uninstall      /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms    Setup /Mode:Upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms--Exchange Server Installation Required Parameters--/Mode:, /m:    Specifies the operation to perform:        . Install:    (Default)--Installs one or more server roles.        . Uninstall:  Removes all installed server roles.        . Upgrade:    Installs a service pack./Roles:, /Role:, /r:    The following are the valid server roles:        . ClientAccess, ca        . Mailbox, mb        . EdgeTransport, et        . ManagementTools, mt, t    * This parameter can't be used when the /Mode parameter    is set to Uninstall or Upgrade./IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms    This parameter is required to accept Exchange Server license terms    and must be included every time the setup command is run.--Exchange Server Installation Optional Parameters--[/DisableAMFiltering]        Disables Exchange Server anti-malware functionality.[/DomainController:, /dc: or FQDN>]    Specifies the domain controller that Setup will use to read    and write to Active Directory.[/InstallWindowsComponents]    Installs required Windows Server roles and features.[/OrganizationName:, /on:]    Specifies the name of the Exchange organization. The name can't be    longer than 64 characters. If the name has spaces, enclose it in    quotes.    Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space (not leading or trailing),    hyphen, dash.    * This parameter is required if you're installing the first    Exchange server in an organization.[/TargetDir:, /t:]    Specifies the location to install Exchange Server 2016 files.    Default: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15"[/UpdatesDir:, /u:]    Updates from the specified directory will be installed during    setup.[/?]    Displays help for setup.--Exchange Server Installation Advanced Optional Parameters--[/ActiveDirectorySplitPermissions:]       Enable Active Directory split permissions mode when preparing    the Exchange organization.    The value can be true or false.[/AnswerFile:, /af:]    Specifies the location of an answer file that contains advanced     parameters for setup.    For details, see[/CustomerFeedbackEnabled:]    Specify whether to participate in Customer Experience Improvement     Program.    The value can be True or False.[/DbFilePath:]    Specify the full path to the mailbox database file when    the Mailbox server role is installed.    Role: Mailbox[/DoNotStartTransport]    Microsoft Exchange Transport service will not be started during     setup when this parameter is specified.    Role: Mailbox    Remarks: This parameter can only be specified during the first    Exchange 2016 Mailbox server installation in an organization.[/EnableErrorReporting]    Enables the Exchange server to automatically submit critical    error reports. Microsoft uses this information to diagnose    problems and provide solutions.[/LogFolderPath:]     Specify the folder path to the directory where the mailbox database    database logs should be placed when the Mailbox server role is    installed.    Role: Mailbox[/MdbName:]    Specify the default database name that is created when the    Mailbox server role is installed.    Role: Mailbox[/TenantOrganizationConfig:]    Specifies the path to the file that contains the organization    configuration of your Office 365 tenant. This file is created by    running the Get-OrganizationConfig cmdlet in your Office 365    tenant. For more information, see