Installation of Visual C++ redistributable package has failed. Run vcredist_x64.exe from \Installers to install vcredist and then start Windows Azure Backup Agent setup again.
If the file is encrypted or compressed, remove the encryption/compression on the file. 2) If not, check if case-sensitivity ...
If the file location path uses a relative path or a UNC path, change the file path to use an absolute path. If the file name ...
If the storage destination runs out of space to store the specified amount of backup, the backup will fail. To continue backup, ...
Increase the amount of free space on volume %VolumeName; on the destination computer and then retry the operation, or recover ...
Installation of Visual C++ redistributable package has failed. Run vcredist_x64.exe from \Installers to install vcredist ...
Internet bandwidth usage throttling is not available on this server's operating system. This feature is available on operating ...
Invalid vault credentials provided. The file is either corrupted or does not have the latest credentials associated with ...
is required to install Windows Azure Backup Agent. Please install {0} from {1} and then install Windows Azure Backup Agent. ...
Job or Operation is in progress. 1) Verify backup/recovery is in progress in Jobs section. You can cancel the job or try ...