Your computer ran out of disk space while |9 was saving the changes you made to the | object.@For information on freeing disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'disk space, freeing'.@@1@@@1
You won't be able to undo this Replace operation.@There isn't enough free memory to use the Undo command. Do you want to ...
You're trying to insert into a section that can't grow enough for the control you're trying to add.@The maximum total height ...
You've selected too many fields for your row headings. You need at least 2 fields left over after you have selected your ...
Your computer has resumed operation after Critical Suspend mode. Any unsaved changes might have been lost. To ensure proper ...
Your computer ran out of disk space while |9 was saving the changes you made to the | object.@For information on freeing ...
Your database applications will continue to function normally; however, the size of your database will increase, and you ...
Your database is using SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) for which Access 2000 has limited support. This will mean:@* ...
Your database is using SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) for which Access 97 has limited support. This will mean:@* ...
Your diagram will be updated with the following changes to match the database before the following tables can be loaded: ...