Displays remote subscription configuration information. Usage: wecutil { gs | get-subscription } SUBSCRIPTION_ID /OPTION:VALUE ...

Displays remote subscription configuration information.


wecutil { gs | get-subscription } SUBSCRIPTION_ID [/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...]

String that uniquely identifies a subscription, specified by the  tag
of the XML configuration file used to create the subscription


You can use either the short (i.e. /f) or long (i.e. /format) version of the option
names. Options and their values are case-insensitive.

/f:VALUE (format)
VALUE can be XML or Terse. If VALUE is XML, print output in XML. If VALUE is Terse
(default), print value as name-value pairs.

/u:VALUE (unicode)
Display output in unicode (UTF-16). VALUE can be true or false. If VALUE is true then output is
in Unicode.


Output configuration information on a subscription named sub1.
wecutil gs sub1

Example output:

Subscription Id: sub1
SubscriptionType: CollectorInitiated
Description: Push Collector Initiated Subscription
Enabled: true
Uri: http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/EventLog
ConfigurationMode: Custom
DeliveryMode: Push
DeliveryMaxItems: 1
DeliveryMaxLatencyTime: 1000
HostName: thisMachine.myDomain.com
HeartbeatInterval: 60000
Expires: 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z

ReadExistingEvents: true
TransportName: http
ContentFormat: RenderedText
Locale: en-US
LogFile: ForwardedEvents
CredentialsType: Default
CommonUserName: Administrator
CommonUserPassword: *

    Address: mySource.myDomain.com
    Enabled: true
    UserName: myUserName
    UserPassword: *

    Address: mySource1.myDomain.com
    Enabled: true
    UserName: myUserName
    UserPassword: *