Invalid string format: Expected four measurement unit values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example of valid string: {1}
Instead, transfer the virtual machine over the LAN, or see Virtual Machine Manager Help for information about using a SAN. ...
Invalid string format - expected either a well-known name for page size type or two measurement unit values for page width ...
Invalid string format - expected up to three values separated with space symbol. First value represents cap style, second ...
Invalid string format: Expected four measurement unit or percentage values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example ...
Invalid string format: Expected four measurement unit values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example of valid string: ...
Invalid string format: Expected two measurement unit or percentage values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example ...
Invalid string format: Expected two measurement unit values separated with '{0}' symbol. Here is an example of valid string: ...
Invalid string format: Expected two pairs of measurement unit values separated with '{0}' symbol. These values should represent ...
is either part of more than one virtual switch or added twice as part of a single team. Make sure the physical network adapter ...