A BizTalk message could not be created from the MSMQ message. Details: %1. The message was dropped during a non-transactional receive.
A binding represents an access point and one or more instances of the service that can be accessed at that point. Add, edit, ...
A binding represents an access point and one or more instances of the service that can be accessed at that point. An Instance ...
A binding represents an access point and one or more instances of the service that can be accessed at that point. You can ...
A BizTalk group contains configuration information used across all hosts and applications in the group. Each host or application ...
A BizTalk message could not be created from the MSMQ message. Details: %1. The message was dropped during a non-transactional ...
A BizTalk Server Group contains the configuration information used across all hosts and applications contained in the group. ...
A BizTalk Server Group is a collection of settings that govern the way BizTalk Server behaves and the data stores it uses. ...
A body part or a part with the same name has already been added to this message. A message can have only one body part and ...
A BTS MIME error was encountered when attempting to decode an AS2 message. AS2-From: {0}, AS2-To: {1}, MessageId: {2}, Error: ...