{Project is launching the Approval Center in a browser window so you can review and approve updates.}When you are done, click OK for the updates to be applied to the project.
Project fields have not been defined for display in this webpart or departmental filtering has excluded all fields from being ...
Project has detected that a problem occurred while previously using \"^1\".}Project will reestablish read/write access for ...
Project is attempting to save ^1. A file with this name already exists and is probably disabled. You should let Project replace ...
Project is currently busy or a dialog box has been left open.}Complete the operation in progress before you close Project. ...
Project is launching the Approval Center in a browser window so you can review and approve updates.}When you are done, click ...
Project is unable to create ^1.}The graphics conversion filter encountered an error. Try one of the following: \- Reduce ...
Project is unable to open the Project Guide and Task Drivers (due to its dependency on the Project Guide).}The problem may ...
Project is unable to open the Project Guide and Task Inspector (due to its dependency on the Project Guide).}The Srchui.dll ...
Project is unable to open the Project Guide.}The following dependent features are also disabled: \-Manage Deliverables \-Manage ...