Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS domain '%1' failed. These records are used ...

Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS domain '%1' failed.  These records are used by other computers to locate this server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).  

Possible causes of failure include:  
- TCP/IP properties of the network connections of this computer contain wrong IP address(es) of the preferred and alternate DNS servers 
- Specified preferred and alternate DNS servers are not running 
- DNS server(s) primary for the records to be registered is not running 
- Preferred or alternate DNS servers are configured with wrong root hints 
- Parent DNS zone contains incorrect delegation to the child zone authoritative for the DNS records that failed registration  

Fix possible misconfiguration(s) specified above and initiate registration or deletion of the DNS records by running 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain controller or by restarting Net Logon service on the domain controller.