Windows 8

  1. /r - Suppresses the need to restart after an operation is completed. A message will be logged to the event log about the ...
  2. /R:revision UDF only: Forces the format to a specific UDF version (1.02, 1.50, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50). The default revision is ...
  3. /REC[ORD_MAXIMUM characters Specifies the maximum number of characters in a record (default 4096, maximum 65535). /R[EVERSE ...
  4. /regkey Enables and disables the values for two registry keys located under HKLM\system\ccs\services tds\parameters : "Strict ...
  5. /rehost DSA /application If a source DC Address is not specified, a writeable replica will be selected using the DC Locator ...
  6. /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition ...
  7. /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition ...
  8. /Remount-Image /MountDir: Recovers an orphaned image mount directory. Example: DISM.exe /Remount-Image /MountDir:C: est\offline ...
  9. /Remount-Wim /MountDir: Recovers an orphaned WIM mount directory. Example: DISM.exe /Remount-Wim /MountDir:C: est\offline ...
  10. /Remove-DefaultAppAssociations Removes the default application associations from the specified Windows image. Examples: Dism.exe ...
  11. /Remove-Driver /Driver: Removes the specified out-of-box driver from the image. Use /Get-Drivers to see a list of installed ...
  12. /Remove-DriverGroupPackage Removes a driver package from a driver group. /Remove-DriverGroupPackages Removes driver packages ...
  13. /Remove-Package {/PackagePath: | /PackageName: } Removes one or more packages unless there are online, unprocessed pending ...
  14. /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName: Removes app packages (.appx) from the image. App packages (.appx) will not be ...
  15. /RemoveApplicationPartitions:{Yes | } Specifies whether to remove application partitions during the demotion of the domain ...
  16. /RemoveDNSDelegation:{ | No} Specifies whether DNS delegations pointing to this DNS server should be removed from the parent ...
  17. /removelingeringobjects Removes lingering objects - an object stored in Active Dircetory that has seen, deleted and garbage ...
  18. /ReplicaDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the domain in which you want to promote ...
  19. /ReplicaOrNewDomain:{ | ReadOnlyReplica | Domain} Specifies whether to install an additional domain controller (writable ...
  20. /replicate Triggers the immediate replication of the specified directory partition to the destination domain controller from ...
  21. /ReplicationLogSourcePath:"path_to_logs_source" Optional. Specifies the directory path to a backup of an AD LDS instance ...
  22. /ReplicationSourceDC:"DNS_name_of_DC" Indicates the full qualified domain name of the partner domain controller from which ...
  23. /ReplicationSourcePath:"path_to_data_source" Optional. Specifies the directory path to a backup of an AD LDS instance data. ...
  24. /ReplicationSourcePath:"replication_source_path" Indicates the location of the installation media that will be used to install ...
  25. /replsummary The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest. ...
  26. /REQUESTODJ only operates on an offline (not running) Windows image by default. The path supplied %1!s! is the current running ...
  27. /RESULTCLASS: - Indicates that the returned endpoints associated with the source object must belong to or be derived from ...
  28. /RESULTROLE: - Indicates that the returned endpoints must play a particular role in their association with the source object. ...
  29. /RetainDCMetadata:{Yes | } Specifies to retain domain controller metadata in the domain after AD DS removal. Delegated read-only ...
  30. /rodcpwdrepl Triggers replication of passwords for the specified user(s) from the source (Hub DC) to one or more Read Only ...
  31. /s: Use as Home Server. Ignored for DcPromo and RegisterInDns tests which can only be run locally. /n: Use as the Naming ...
  32. /SafeModeAdminPassword:"password" default is empty password (it is required that you do not leave this value blank) Supplies ...
  33. /Server: The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If not specified, the local server ...
  34. /ServicePassword:"password" Required when the specified ServiceAccount is not the Network Service Account. Specifies the ...
  35. /Set-AllIntl: Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" language ...
  36. /Set-Edition: /ProductKey: /AcceptEula | /GetEula: Use the /Set-Edition option to change an offline Windows image to a higher ...
  37. /Set-InputLocale:{ | : } Sets the input locales and keyboard layouts to use in the mounted offline image. This command is ...
  38. /Set-LayeredDriver: Sets the keyboard layered driver, with possible values of 1 to 6, defined below: 1: PC/AT Enhanced Keyboard ...
  39. /Set-ProductKey: Sets the product key of the offline image. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Set-ProductKey:2T3TW-CKKO4-DJSSF-232DP-8RW0P ...
  40. /Set-ScratchSpace:{32|64|128|256|512} Sets the configured amount of Windows PE system volume scratch space. This setting ...
  41. /Set-SetupUILang: Defines the default language that will be used by setup. If this language cannot be used, setup will fall ...
  42. /Set-SKUIntlDefaults: Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" ...
  43. /Set-SysLocale: Sets the language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings in the mounted offline ...
  44. /Set-TargetPath: Sets the target path of the Windows PE image. The target path represents a path to the root of the Windows ...
  45. /Set-TimeZone: Sets the default time zone in a Windows image. Before setting the time zone, DISM verifies that the specified ...
  46. /Set-UILang: Sets the default system user interface (UI) language that is used in the mounted offline image. If the language ...
  47. /Set-UILangFallback: Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the mounted offline image. This setting is used ...
  48. /Set-UserLocale: Sets the "standards and formats" language (also called user locale) in the mounted offline image. The "Standards ...
  49. /setattr . is either of add delete replace deleteAll can be either a string literal or an integer (decimal or hex) or one ...
  50. /Shadow=ShadowId /ExposeUsing=LetterDirSpecOrShare /SharePath=SharePathDirSpec - Exposes an existing shadow copy volume through ...
  51. /Shadow=ShadowId /ForceDismount /Quiet - Reverts a volume to its state at the time of the shadow copy. All shadow copies ...
  52. /showbackup Displays the date, time and domain controller that last backed up each writable directory partition in the forest ...
  53. /showcert Displays the certificates (used with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-based replication) that are loaded on ...
  54. /showchanges . /cookie: /atts: , ,. /long /showchanges /verbose /statistics /noincremental /objectsecurity /ancestors /atts: ...
  55. /showchanges Can be used to determine which changes have not yet been replicated between two replication partners or track ...
  56. /showmsg Displays the error message string for a given error number or the event text for a given Directory Services Event. ...
  57. /showobjmeta Displays the replication metadata for a specified object stored in Active Directory, such as attribute ID, version ...
  58. /ShowOrHideProgressGUI:{Show | } Optional. Specifies whether the AD LDS setup should display progress information during ...
  59. /showproxy DSA_LIST Naming Context matchstring (search xdommove proxies) /showproxy DSA_LIST Object DN matchstring /movedobject ...
  60. /showproxy Lists cross-domain move proxy objects. When an object is moved from one domain to another, a marker remains in ...
  61. /showrepl Displays the replication status when specified domain controller last attempted to inbound replicate Active Directory ...
  62. /showsig Displays the retired invocation IDs on a domain controller. A domain controller changes its invocation ID when it ...
  63. /showtime Converts a directory service time value to string format for both the local and the Universal Time, Coordinated ...
  64. /showutdvec displays the highest committed Update Sequence Number (USN) that the targeted DC's copy of Active Directory shows ...
  65. /showvalue Displays the values of the type, last modified time, originating domain controller, and distinguished name of ...
  66. /SiteName:"site_name" The default value depends on the type of installation. For a new forest, the default is Default-First-Site-Name. ...
  67. /SkipAutoConfigDns This switch is for expert users who want to skip automatic configuration of DNS, including creation of ...
  68. /SourceLDAPPort: {port_number: 389 or a number between 1025 and 65535} Required for replica installations. Specifies the ...
  69. /SourceServer:"Source Server DNS or NetBIOS name" Required for replica installations. Specifies which server to replicate ...
  70. /SourceUserName:"user name" /SourcePassword:"password" Optional. Specifies the username and password of an account that has ...
  71. /Split-Image /ImageFile: /SWMFile: /FileSize: /CheckIntegrity Splits an existing .wim file into multiple read-only split ...
  72. /StreamCount:{2 | 3} For /Policy:Multistream, this option determines the number of sessions. 2 means two sessions (fast and ...
  73. /SysVolPath:"path_to_database_file" default is %SYSTEMROOT%\sysvol Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory ...
  74. /target: {Domain | DC | BOTH} Optional. Specifies the GPO to be restored: the Default Domain Policy GPO, the Default Domain ...
  75. /TransferIMRoleIfNecessary:{Yes | } Specifies whether to transfer the infrastructure master (IM) role to this DC, in case ...