Windows 7

  1. Would you like to create a single partition that stores DNS zone data and replicates that data to all DNS servers that are ...
  2. Would you like to send Microsoft basic information about the software this program detects? This information is used to help ...
  3. WoW64 for .NET Framework 2.0 and Windows PowerShell includes 32-bit support for .NET Framework 2.0 and Windows PowerShell. ...
  4. wpeutil options is required, and options are specific to each command. Commands: CreatePageFile /path= /size= Creates a page ...
  5. Write Bytes Cache/sec is the rate at which applications on your computer are writing to the file system cache by using the ...
  6. Write Bytes Network/sec is the rate at which applications are writing data across the network. This occurs when the file ...
  7. Write Bytes Non-Paging/sec is the rate at which bytes are written by the Redirector in response to normal file outputs by ...
  8. Write Bytes Paging/sec is the rate at which the Redirector is attempting to write bytes changed in the pages being used by ...
  9. Write Bytes/sec is the rate the server is writing data to files for the clients on this CPU. This value is a measure of how ...
  10. Write Copies/sec is the rate at which page faults are caused by attempts to write that have been satisfied by coping of the ...
  11. Write down the location where you saved your transfer file and make the file available on your new computer to continue the ...
  12. Write down the location where you saved your transfer file because you'll need to open it on your new computer. If you're ...
  13. Write Operations Random/sec is the rate at which, on a file-by-file basis, writes are made that are not sequential. If a ...
  14. Write Operations/sec is the rate the server is performing file write operations for the clients on this CPU. This value is ...
  15. Write Packets Small/sec is the rate at which writes are made by applications that are less than one-fourth of the server's ...
  16. Write Packets/sec is the rate at which writes are being sent to the network. Each time a single packet is sent with a request ...
  17. Write Protect Error} The disk cannot be written to because it is write protected. Please remove the write protection from ...
  18. Writer status is not available for one or more writers. A writer may have reached the limit to the number of available backup-restore ...
  19. WRITER { VERIFY | EXCLUDE } VERIFY Specify that the backup or restore operation must fail if the writer or component is not ...
  20. Writes Denied/sec is the rate at which the server is unable to accommodate requests for Raw Writes. When a write is much ...
  21. Writes Large/sec is the rate at which writes are made by applications that are over 2 times the server's negotiated buffer ...
  22. Wrong Type} There is a mismatch between the type of object required by the requested operation and the type of object that ...
  23. ws did not accept a notification that it is now the PDC though it has now been configured as the PDC. Please restart %ws. ...
  24. ws uses a file that has been damaged. To fix the problem, you'll need to reinstall the program using the original installation ...
  25. ws" did not allow a connection from this computer Wireless connection failed because the network denied the association request ...
  26. ws" did not allow a connection from this computer Wireless connection failed because the network denied the association request ...
  27. WS-Atomic Transactions provides distributed transaction support for applications that use two-phase commit transactions with ...
  28. WS-Management cannot process the request. The HTTP response from the destination computer was not in the same format as the ...
  29. WS-Management cannot process the request. The operation failed because of an HTTP error. The HTTP error (%1!lu!) is: %2. ...
  30. WS-Management cannot process the request. The response received from the destination computer includes element %1. But this ...
  31. WS-Management does not allow changes to a listener created automatically by the group policy. The policy "Allow Auto Configuration ...
  32. WS-Management service cannot process the request because the WS-Addressing Address in the Endpoint Reference (EPR) contains ...
  33. WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. ...
  34. WSK provider has ignored the OwningThread parameter passed to a WSK socket creation request. This happens when the socket ...
  35. WSRM is not yet managing a computer. To manage this or another computer, right-click Windows System Resource Manager in the ...
  37. WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE' property structure does not support specifying properties ('properties' field must be NULL and ...
  38. WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CERT_FAILURES_TO_IGNORE does not support '%1'. It must be set to one or multiple values of WS_CERT_FAILURE. ...
  39. WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING' security binding structure must have a valid bootstrap security description. ...
  40. WTV Converter cannot convert the file from .wtv to .dvr-ms format because the content is not compatible with the .dvr-ms ...
  41. wusa wusa /extract: /log: wusa /quiet /norestart | /warnrestart: | /promptrestart | /forcerestart /log: wusa /uninstall | ...
  42. x : %s Advanced help for this problem is available on Query for "troubleshooting 1202 events". ...
  43. x : %s Advanced help for this problem is available on Query for "troubleshooting 1202 events". ...
  44. X.25 X.25 (X25) record. Maps a DNS domain name to a Public Switched Data Network (PSDN) address, such as X.121 addresses, ...
  45. XACT_E_LRMRECOVERYALREADYDONE : Either the ILastResourceManager::TransactionOutcome or ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone ...
  46. XACT_E_NOLASTRESOURCEINTERFACE : Resource Manager called PrepareRequestDone with hres as XACT_S_LASTRESOURCEMANAGER, but ...
  47. XmlException has been thrown by the deserializer (most likely indicating incorrect clixml format). Line number: %1 Line position: ...
  48. XPath: direct object access must select an attribute. Either use a mapping-schema, or else change the direct object query ...
  49. XPath: only direct object access may select an attribute. Either change the XPath to select an element, or else use direct ...
  50. XPath: the parsed XPath contains an unexpected value (%1). The version of MSXML3.DLL installed may be incompatible with SQLXMLX.DLL ...
  51. XPS Viewer cannot initialize the Windows Rights Management Client software. The Windows Rights Management Client software ...
  52. XPS Viewer cannot initialize the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS Viewer and ...
  53. XPS Viewer could not connect to server in order to verify your permission to access this document. Be sure that your computer ...
  54. XPS Viewer encountered a problem with the Windows Rights Management Client software. This could indicate a problem in XPS ...
  55. XPS Viewer requires access to server and that server did not respond correctly. Contact your system administrator to help ...
  56. XPS Viewer requires access to server and user account does not have permission to access that server. Try another account ...
  57. Yes (recommended) Media files will be converted and copied to the correct location, so you can play them on your device. ...
  58. Yes, always search online (recommended) Windows will automatically search for the latest drivers and applications for your ...
  59. Yes, ask me if I want to install this device later Windows will ask if you want to install this device the next time you ...
  60. Yes, delete the replication group, stop replicating all associated replicated folders, and delete all members of the replication ...
  61. Yes, search online this time only Windows will search for the latest drivers and applications for this device and download ...
  62. Yes. If a network connection is already protected by IPsec through another connection security rule, do not send the network ...
  63. Yes. If you transfer files containing malicious software from your old computer, that software will be transferred to your ...
  64. You already have an open document named '|'; you must close it before you can save or rename another document under the same ...
  65. You already have some settings on individual games, which might override these changes. To review which specific games you ...
  66. You already have the maximum number of supported controllers installed. To install this controller, you must remove a previously ...
  67. You are about to add a disabled object. If you want to add an enabled object, try selecting the object from another location. ...
  68. You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in any other programs that rely on ...
  69. You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other ...
  70. You are about to change privacy settings that will affect the way cookies are handled in Windows Media Player and any other ...
  71. You are about to change security settings that will affect the way scripts and active content can run in Windows Media Player ...
  72. You are about to change the permission settings on system folders, which can result in unexpected access problems and reduce ...
  73. You are about to change the permission settings on the root directory of the startup disk, which can result in unexpected ...
  74. You are about to change this setting to a value that may affect compatibility with clients, services, and applications. %1 ...
  75. You are about to configure this setting using an empty list of access control entries. The Global Object Access Auditing ...