Windows 7

  1. A Battery Present targeting item allows a preference item to be applied to computers or users only if one or more batteries ...
  2. A BinarySensor provides a boolean output. Given the addition of the CurrentState and PossibleStates properties to Sensor, ...
  3. A binding operation referenced messages in the portType that did not correspond to type of the referencing message in the ...
  4. A bit flag representing patch attributes. A value of 1 indicates that the failure to apply this patch is not a fatal error. ...
  5. A bit map representing the operations for which this object applies. The following are the valid values Hexadecimal Decimal ...
  6. A bit map that tells when this action will be preformed based on the following Hexadecimal Decimal Description 0x001 1 Remove ...
  7. A BitLocker certificate data recovery agent was created, because it was missing on the volume or added to the list of data ...
  8. A BitLocker certificate data recovery agent was removed, because is no longer in the list of data recovery agents. Certificate ...
  9. A BITS upload job can contain only one file. Specify only one file for the BITS upload job. Or, use the output of the Import-CSV ...
  10. A boolean indicating whether the NetworkAdapter is capable of automatically determining the speed or other communications ...
  11. A Boolean value. True if IIS keeps client/server connections open across multiple requests to the server; otherwise, false. ...
  12. A BuildProviderSettings value that compiles custom resource files of a particular file type and generates code during compilation. ...
  13. A CableCARD is required to view this channel. If you already have a CableCARD , verify your CableCARD is inserted properly. ...
  14. A cache exists on another device in the system. Please remove the cache from that device before creating a cache on this ...
  15. A call to the Intersite Messaging service that specifies the following transport failed. Transport: %1 As a result, the Knowledge ...
  16. A caller has attempted to connect to a remote MSDTC on machine '%1'. The attempt failed because the remote machine is configured ...
  17. A caller has attempted to export a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC is currently configured to disallow outbound ...
  18. A caller has attempted to import a transaction from a remote system, but MSDTC is currently configured to disallow inbound ...
  19. A caller has attempted to propagate a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC network DTC access is currently disabled ...
  20. A caller has attempted to register an XA resource while XA transactions are disabled. Please review the MSDTC configuration ...
  21. A case-sensitive read/write encrypted string value that specifies the password of the identity that the configuration system ...
  22. A categorization is failing over to a new connection. The old connection was to DS host "%1". The new connection is to DS ...
  23. A categorization is unable to retrieve a new connection because it is over the max retry limit (%1). The last DS host used ...
  24. A CD that contains music recorded as tracks so that it can be played on any stereo, plus enhanced content such as software ...
  25. A CD-recording driver is installed that might cause stability problems, including problems shutting down and problems using ...
  26. A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine ...
  27. A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPsec require the installation of a machine ...
  28. A certificate found in the local Active Directory Domain Services claims to be from a domain controller with the following ...
  29. A certificate found in the local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services claims to be from a domain controller with ...
  30. A certificate in the chain for CA certificate %3 for %1 could not be verified because no information is available describing ...
  31. A certificate presented to Active Directory Domain Services claims to be from a directory service with the following computer ...
  32. A certificate presented to Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services claims to be from a directory service with the ...
  33. A Certificate Services template was updated. %1 v%2 (Schema V%3) %4 %5 Template Change Information: Old Template Content: ...
  34. A certificate stored by this extension is not valid. Use Group Policy Object Editor to reconfigure the settings in this extension. ...
  35. A certificate template %1 has been loaded. For additional information, please refer to the EventData section of the Details ...
  36. A certificate template is a set of predefined properties for certificates issued to computers. Select a template from the ...
  37. A certificate trust list (CTL) is a signed list of root certification authority (CA) certificates that have been judged reputable ...
  38. A certificate trust list used to create certificate trust chain did not have a valid signature (CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID) ...
  39. A certificate trust list used to create certificate trust chain is not valid for this usage (CERT_TRUST_CTL_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE) ...
  40. A certificate will be issued to this CA to secure communications with other CAs and with clients requesting certificates. ...
  41. A certificate, which is issued by a certification authority, is a confirmation of your identity and contains information ...
  42. A certification authority %1 has been loaded. For additional information, please refer to the EventData section of the Details ...
  43. A Certification Authority (CA) and the Network Device Enrollment Service cannot be installed on this computer simultaneously. ...
  44. A certification authority could not be contacted for authentication. If you are using a Remote Desktop Gateway with a smart ...
  45. A certification authority with the same name was found in the Active Directory. Do you want to overwrite the existing CA ...
  46. A change has been made to IPSec settings. A Connection Security Rule was added. Profile changed: %1 Added Connection Security ...
  47. A change has been made to IPSec settings. A Connection Security Rule was deleted. Profile changed: %1 Deleted Connection ...
  48. A change has been made to IPSec settings. A Connection Security Rule was modified. Profile changed: %1 Modified Connection ...
  49. A change has been made to IPSec settings. A Crypto Set was deleted. Profile changed: %1 Deleted Crypto Set: Id: %2 Name: ...
  50. A change has been made to IPSec settings. A Crypto Set was modified. Profile changed: %1 Modified Crypto Set: Id: %2 Name: ...
  51. A change has been made to IPSec settings. An Authentication Set was added. Profile changed: %1 Added Authentication Set: ...
  52. A change has been made to IPSec settings. An Authentication Set was deleted. Profile changed: %1 Deleted Authentication Set: ...
  53. A change has been made to IPSec settings. An Authentication Set was modified. Profile changed: %1 Modified Authentication ...
  54. A change has been made to the system that requires that you restart the computer. Do you want to restart the computer now? ...
  55. A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added. Profile changed: %1 Added Rule: Rule Id: %2 ...
  56. A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was deleted. Profile changed: %1 Deleted Rule: Rule Id: ...
  57. A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was modified. Profile changed: %1 Modified Rule: Rule Id: ...
  58. A change to a Server for NFS configuration registry key requires the server to be restarted for the change take effect. The ...
  59. A change was made to IPsec settings. A connection security rule was added. Profile Changed: %1 Added Connection Security ...
  60. A change was made to IPsec settings. A connection security rule was deleted. Profile Changed: %1 Deleted Connection Security ...
  61. A change was made to IPsec settings. A connection security rule was modified. Profile Changed: %1 Modified Connection Security ...
  62. A change was made to IPsec settings. A crypto set was modified. Profile Changed: %1 Modified Crypto Set: ID: %2 Name: %3 ...
  63. A change was made to IPsec settings. An authentication set was added. Profile Changed: %1 Added Authentication Set: ID: %2 ...
  64. A change was made to IPsec settings. An authentication set was deleted. Profile Changed: %1 Deleted Authentication Set: ID: ...
  65. A change was made to IPsec settings. An authentication set was modified. Profile Changed: %1 Modified Authentication Set: ...
  66. A change was made to the Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added. Profile Changed: %1 Added Rule: Rule ID: %2 Rule ...
  67. A change was made to the Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was deleted. Profile Changed: %1 Deleted Rule: Rule ID: ...
  68. A change was made to the Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was modified. Profile Changed: %1 Modified Rule: Rule ID: ...
  69. A character that is not valid was found at the following position and string while processing an event log override registry ...
  70. A chassis can contain other packages, such as other chassis and cards. The CIM_PackageInChassis association makes explicit ...
  71. A check is a condition or characteristic that is expected to be true in an environment defined or scoped by an instance of ...
  72. A child node without a properly formed parent node was found. Ignoring it. Check spelling and format of location properties.%1%2%3%4%5%0 ...
  73. A CIM_Action is an operation that is part of a process to either create a software element in its next state or to eliminate ...
  74. A CIM_Cluster is composed of two or more computer system's, operating together. A computer system may participate in multiple ...
  75. A CIM_FileSpecification identifies a file that is either to be on or off the system. The file is to be located in the directory ...