Windows 7

  1. /Get-MountedWimInfo Displays information about mounted images, including whether the image is okay for servicing, needs a ...
  2. /Get-PackageInfo {/PackagePath: | /PackageName: } Displays information about a specific package. /PackagePath can point to ...
  3. /Get-Packages /Format: Displays information about all packages in the image. Use the /Format option to specify a table or ...
  4. /Get-PESettings Displays the profiler status, scratch space, and target path of the Windows PE image. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C: ...
  5. /Get-Profiling Retrieves the enabled/disabled state of the Windows PE profiler. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Get-Profiling ...
  6. /Get-ScratchSpace Retrieves the configured amount of Windows PE system volume scratch space. This setting represents the ...
  7. /Get-TargetEditions Displays a list of Windows editions that an image can be upgraded to. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline ...
  8. /Get-TargetPath Retrieves the target path of the Windows PE image. The target path represents a path to the root of the Windows ...
  9. /Get-WimInfo /WimFile: /Index: | /Name: Displays information about the images contained in the specified WIM file. Examples: ...
  10. /getchanges NamingContext SourceDC /cookie: /atts: , ,. /getchanges NamingContext DestDC SourceDCObjectGUID /verbose /statistics ...
  11. /geteasyhelp Start Remote Assistance with the 'easy help' option. /offereasyhelp Start Remote Assistance and respond to an ...
  12. /i - Installs the specified language packs. Cannot be used with the /u option. If you do not include or language_list after ...
  13. /IgnoreIsLastDcInDomainMismatch:{Yes | } default causes the wizard to prompt the user to continue and causes the command-line ...
  14. /IgnoreIsLastDNSServerForZone:{Yes | } Specifies whether to continue demotion despite that the domain controller is the last ...
  15. /ignoreschema: Optional. Use this switch to have this tool ignore the schema version of the Active Directory. Otherwise this ...
  16. /ImageGroup: The image group that contains the image to transmit using multicasting. If not specified and only one image ...
  17. /ImportLDIFFiles:"filename.ldf" Optional. Specifies which optional ldif files you want to import into the AD LDS instance ...
  18. /InstallDNS:{Yes | No} default will be automatically computed based on the environment Specifies whether Domain Name System ...
  19. /InstallType:{ | replica} Optional. Specifies whether a new unique AD LDS instance is created or whether a new instance is ...
  20. /InstanceDescription:"description_of_the_instance" Optional. Specifies a description for the instance. By default, the description ...
  21. /InstanceName:"name_of_the_instance" Optional. Specifies the name of the instance that you are creating. By default, the ...
  22. /IsLastDCInDomain:{Yes | } Specifies whether the computer which is being demoted is the last domain controller in the domain. ...
  23. /LocalLDAPPortToListenOn:{port_number: 389 or any unused port number between 1025 and 65535, inclusive} Required. Specifies ...
  24. /LocalSSLPortToListenOn:{port_number: 636 or any unused port number between 1025 and 65535, inclusive} Required. Specifies ...
  25. /LogFilesPath:"path_name" Optional. By default, the log files are stored under "Program Files\Microsoft ADAM\instance_name\data" ...
  26. /LogPath:"path_to_log_files" default is %SYSTEMROOT%\NTDS Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a ...
  27. /mod The mod command will modify the RepsFrom attribute on the destination domain controller for the specified naming context ...
  28. /Mount-Wim /WimFile: {/Index: | /Name: } /MountDir: /readonly Mounts the WIM file to the specified directory so that it is ...
  29. /NewApplicationPartitionToCreate:"DN of application partition to create, with the name that you specify" Optional. By default, ...
  30. /NewDomain:{Tree | Child | } Indicates the type of domain that you want to create: a new forest, a new domain tree in an ...
  31. /NewMachineNamingPolicy: Specifies the format to use when generating client computer names. /NewMachineOU Specifies the location ...
  32. /nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep. Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep ...
  33. /OU: For Custom, /OU specifies where the account should be created. /DomainSearchOrder:{GCOnly | DCFirst} Specifies the policy ...
  34. /OU: The distinguished name of the organizational unit where the computer account object should be created. For example, ...
  35. /Overwrite:{Yes | No | Append} Determines whether the file specified in /DestinationImage should be overwritten if an existing ...
  36. /p - Indicates the path of the language packs to install. If the /s and /i option are both used, the /p option is required. ...
  37. /p: Use as the password. Must also use the /u option /a: Test all the servers in this site /e: Test all the servers in the ...
  38. /ParentDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies the fully qualified domain name of an existing parent domain when installing ...
  39. /Password:{"password" | *} Specifies the password corresponding to the user name (account credentials) used for the operation. ...
  40. /PasswordReplicationAllowed:{"security_principal" | None} Specifies the names of user, group, and computer accounts whose ...
  41. /PasswordReplicationDenied:{"security_principal" | None} Specifies the names of users, groups, and computer accounts whose ...
  42. /Policy:{AdminApproval | Disabled} Specifies how and when to respond to client computers. AdminApproval means unknown computers ...
  43. /Provider=ProviderNameOrID /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Adds a shadow copy storage association ...
  44. /Provider=ProviderNameOrID /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow ...
  45. /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /Quiet - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association ...
  46. /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system ...
  47. /Provider=ProviderNameOrId /Type=ShadowType - Displays all volumes which may be shadow copied using the provider specified ...
  48. /Quarantine Valid only on an existing direct, outbound trust. Set or clear the domain quarantine attribute. Default is "no". ...
  49. /querysites Uses routing information to determine the cost of a route from a specified site to another specified site or ...
  50. /queue Displays inbound replication requests that the DC needs to issue to become consistent with its source replication ...
  51. /r - Suppresses the need to restart after an operation is completed. A message will be logged to the event log about the ...
  52. /R:revision UDF only: Forces the format to a specific UDF version (1.02, 1.50, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50). The default revision is ...
  53. /REC[ORD_MAXIMUM characters Specifies the maximum number of characters in a record (default 4096, maximum 65535). /R[EVERSE ...
  54. /regkey Enables and disables the values for two registry keys located under HKLM\system\ccs\services tds\parameters : "Strict ...
  55. /rehost DSA /application If a source DC Address is not specified, a writeable replica will be selected using the DC Locator ...
  56. /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition ...
  57. /rehost Instructs a global catalog to drop its copy of a read-only domain partition, then perform a full sync of that partition ...
  58. /Remount-Wim /MountDir: Recovers an orphaned WIM mount directory. Example: DISM.exe /Remount-Wim /MountDir:C: est\offline ...
  59. /Remove-Driver /Driver: Removes the specified out-of-box driver from the image. Use /Get-Drivers to see a list of installed ...
  60. /Remove-Package {/PackagePath: | /PackageName: } Removes one or more packages unless there are online, unprocessed pending ...
  61. /Remove-Package {/PackagePath: | /PackageName: } Uninstalls the specified package(s) unless there are online, unprocessed ...
  62. /RemoveApplicationPartitions:{Yes | } Specifies whether to remove application partitions during the demotion of the domain ...
  63. /RemoveDNSDelegation:{ | No} Specifies whether DNS delegations pointing to this DNS server should be removed from the parent ...
  64. /removelingeringobjects Removes lingering objects - an object stored in Active Dircetory that has seen, deleted and garbage ...
  65. /ReplicaDomainDNSName:"DNS_name_of_domain" Specifies the fully qualified domain name of the domain in which you want to promote ...
  66. /ReplicaOrNewDomain:{ | ReadOnlyReplica | Domain} Specifies whether to install an additional domain controller (writable ...
  67. /replicate Triggers the immediate replication of the specified directory partition to the destination domain controller from ...
  68. /ReplicationLogSourcePath:"path_to_logs_source" Optional. Specifies the directory path to a backup of an AD LDS instance ...
  69. /ReplicationSourceDC:"DNS_name_of_DC" Indicates the full qualified domain name of the partner domain controller from which ...
  70. /ReplicationSourcePath:"path_to_data_source" Optional. Specifies the directory path to a backup of an AD LDS instance data. ...
  71. /ReplicationSourcePath:"replication_source_path" Indicates the location of the installation media that will be used to install ...
  72. /replsummary The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest. ...
  73. /REQUESTODJ only operates on an offline (not running) Windows image by default. The path supplied %1!s! is the current running ...
  74. /RESULTCLASS: - Indicates that the returned endpoints associated with the source object must belong to or be derived from ...
  75. /RESULTROLE: - Indicates that the returned endpoints must play a particular role in their association with the source object. ...