Visual Studio 2013

  1. /TARGETCLR[:vn.n.nnnnn Specifies which CLR version to profile in the target application. Version strings should be formatted ...
  2. /teamproject:[team project name The name of the team project to which the build belongs. Specify this when publishing test ...
  3. /TestAdapterPath This makes vstest.console.exe process use custom test adapters from a given path (if any) in the test run. ...
  4. /TestCaseFilter: Run tests that match the given expression. is of the format Operator | where Operator is one of =, != or ...
  5. /TestCaseFilter: Run tests that match the given expression. is of the format Operator | where Operator is one of =, != or ...
  6. /testconfigid:[config id The id (a positive integer) of the pre-existing test management configuration to associate with ...
  7. /testconfigname:[config name The name of the pre-existing test management configuration to associate with the published run. ...
  8. /testcontainer:[file name Load a file that contains tests. You can Specify this option more than once to load multiple test ...
  9. /testlist:[test list path The test list, as specified in the metadata file, to be run. You can specify this option multiple ...
  10. /Tests: Run tests with names that match the provided values. To provide multiple values, separate them by commas. Examples: ...
  11. /toolsversion: The version of the MSBuild Toolset (tasks, targets, etc.) to use during build. This version will override ...
  12. /userrulesdirectory Optional argument to specify the path to search for user-defined rules. Ignored unless /summary:all or ...
  13. /UseVsixExtensions This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed(if any) in the test run. ...
  14. /validate Validate the project against the default schema. (Short form: /val) /validate: Validate the project against the ...
  15. /verbosity: Display this amount of information in the event log. The available verbosity levels are: q[uiet], m[inimal], ...
  16. /WAITSTART[:n Waits for the data collection logger to initialize. If n is specified, VSPerfCmd will wait at most n seconds. ...
  17. /WINCOUNTER:path Specifies a Windows performance counter to include with mark data. path is a Windows Performance counter ...
  18. /WINCOUNTER:path Specifies a Windows performance counter to include with mark data. path is a Windows Performance counter ...
  19. A '%1$ls' annotation was used with an expression other than symbol +- on '%2$ls'. This annotation is obsolescent: use _String_length_ ...
  20. A 'Host' property was not found despite the template directive setting hostspecific='truefrombase'. Check that the base class ...
  21. a 'new' of an std::initializer_list object is unlikely to work as expected because the underlying array will be destroyed ...
  22. A 'super' call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter ...
  23. A 'Target' named '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. The tasks within this target could contain arbitrary code and ...
  24. A 'UsingTask' tag which registers the '{1}' task was found in the project file '{0}'. 'UsingTask' tags in the project file ...
  25. A .ruleset file which contains a list of rules to run during analysis. The string can be a full path, a path relative to ...
  26. A /reference option that declares an extern alias can only have one filename. To specify multiple aliases or filenames, use ...
  27. A 64-bit debugging operation is taking longer than expected. This may be caused by incompatibilities with 3rd party networking ...
  28. A background worker for running scripts in parallel to the main application. This allows for thread-like operation with message-passing ...
  29. A bad HRESULT is about to be returned from an automation method. What would you like to break into the debugger? Yes - Execute ...
  30. A behavior that allows incremental updating of ListView and GridView contents to support faster updating. By attaching this ...
  31. A beta version of the .NET Framework 2.0 or SQL Server was detected on the computer. Uninstall any previous beta versions ...
  32. A boolean to determine whether reporting is enabled. If reporting is not enabled during configuration, it can be enabled ...
  33. A boolean to determine whether to retain the SharePoint settings applied during a previous installation of Team Foundation ...
  34. A boolean to determine whether WSS integration is enabled. If WSS integration is not enabled during configuration, it can ...
  35. A breakpoint is hit when the breakpoint location is reached and the condition is satisfied. The hit count is the number of ...
  36. A buffer overrun has occurred in %1 which has corrupted the program's internal state. Press Break to debug the program or ...
  37. A buffer overrun occurred in %1 and corrupted the program's internal state. The program was terminated. For more details ...
  38. A call to a virtual method or property through the base keyword will always call the most derived function while debugging. ...
  39. A call to GetGlobalService failed for service '{0}'. This method was likely called before any managed package was initialized. ...
  40. A certificate with the following thumbprint cannot be found in the My certificate store: {0}. You can execute the following ...
  41. A circular reference to a resource dictionary has been found. Review the merged resource dictionaries for circular references. ...
  42. a cli::interior_ptr/cli::pin_ptr must point to a standard class, a value class, an integer, a handle, or a standard pointer ...
  43. A cloud app for SharePoint consists of an app for SharePoint that is deployed directly to a SharePoint site and a separately ...
  44. A code coverage collection session is already in progress for IIS. Shutdown the current session to begin a new IIS session. ...
  45. A code review must have at least one reviewer. Before you can remove the current reviewer, you must first add another reviewer. ...
  46. A color that describes how the current pixel diffuses direct lighting such as directional, point, and spot lights, as if ...
  47. A color that describes how the current pixel reflects direct lighting such as directional, point, and spot lights, as if ...
  48. A color that describes the total contribution of indirect lighting to the diffuse color of the current pixel, as if on a ...
  49. A color that describes the total contribution of light that's emitted from the current pixel. You can use this to simulate ...
  50. A comma-separated list of label colors to apply to the created card. Valid label color names are red, orange, yellow, green, ...
  51. A command is already executing, only one may execute at a time. Please wait for the executable to exit, or abort the command. ...
  52. A complete code block that is entered on one line is kept on one line, regardless of the settings on the "C/C++ New Lines" ...
  53. A complete integrated development environment for building Windows-based applications using Visual C#. To build Web-based ...
  54. A component dll could not be found. If failures continue, try disabling any installed add-ins or repairing your installation. ...
  55. A component dll failed to load. Try to restart this application. If failures continue, try disabling any installed add-ins ...
  56. A configuration help URI must be an absolute URI. The configuration help URI '{0}' provided for the diagnostic data adapter ...
  57. A configuration string name was specified but no configuration file was found. Neither app.config nor web.config found in ...
  58. A connection string that will be provided to the WCF RIA Service. Please consult the service's documentation for details ...
  59. A connection to TFS could not be established. The Team Build Drop Location has not been loaded for at least one of the components. ...
  60. A constraint clause has already been specified for type parameter '%1!ls!'. All of the constraints for a type parameter must ...
  61. A construct with this name was found in FSharp.PowerPack.dll, which contains some modules and types that were implicitly ...
  62. A container calls this method when it receives a WM_SETCURSOR or WM_MOUSEMOVE message with the mouse pointer over an inactive ...
  63. A container that bridges the gap between your local computer and the server. A workspace contains the mappings between folders ...
  64. A copy of the virtual machine will be stored in the library for reuse. Depending on the size of the virtual machine, this ...
  65. A correctly implemented Dispose method can be called multiple times without throwing an exception. However, this is not guaranteed ...
  66. A crash report for this problem was recently created; a new crash report for this occurrence of the problem is not being ...
  67. A crash report has been prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report has been queued ...
  68. A crash report is being prepared for Microsoft using the Watson Crash Reporting Mechanism. The prepared report will be queued ...
  69. A custom operation may not be used in conjunction with 'use', 'try/with', 'try/finally', 'if/then/else' or 'match' operators ...
  70. A custom operation may not be used in conjunction with a non-value or recursive 'let' binding in another part of this computation ...
  71. A custom tool '%1' is associated with file '%2', but the output of the custom tool was not found in the project. You may ...
  72. A data source with the same name already exists in the project. Please check for the existing data files in either the "SampleData" ...
  73. A database error occurred. Check that the database connection is valid and that the path being added does not already exist ...
  74. A DCOM error occurred trying to contact the remote computer. Access is denied. It may be possible to avoid this error by ...
  75. A debugger dll, msdbg2.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Visual Studio installation via 'Add or Remove ...