System Center Service Manager 2012

  1. Specify how long a closed incident can remain in the configuration management database (CMDB) before it is removed. After ...
  2. Specify how long a closed work item can remain in the Service Manager database before it is removed. After a work item has ...
  3. Specify the alphanumeric prefix that will be used in the ID of any new incidents. Existing incidents will not be changed. ...
  4. Specify the calendar and metric you want to use for this service level objective. In addition, specify the target and warning ...
  5. Specify the name and port number for the SharePoint Web site. Specify the server and database that will be used to store ...
  6. Specify the name of the server that hosts the instance of SQL Server 2008 that contains the Service Manager database, and ...
  7. Specify the prefix that will be used in the ID of any new knowledge articles. Existing knowledge articles will not be changed. ...
  8. Specify the prefix that will be used in the ID of any new service requests. Existing service requests will not be changed. ...
  9. Specify the starting and ending values for events that will trigger a workflow. You can choose to specify only a starting ...
  10. Specify the time in which an incident must be resolved, based on its priority. For example, use this table to record your ...
  11. Successfully created System Center Configuration Manager Connector "%1" to server "%2". The connector was created by user ...
  12. Successfully created System Center Orchestrator Connector "%1". The webservice URL is "%2" and synced folder is "%3". The ...
  13. Successfully created Virtual Machine Manager Connector "%1". The server is "%2". The connector was created by user account ...
  14. Successfully deleted System Center Orchestrator Connector "%1". The connector was deleted by user account %2. Any runbooks ...
  15. System Center Data Access Service and/or System Center Management is unresponsive because Authorization Manager is unable ...
  16. Target class {0} for Recovery {1} does not derive from Target class {2} of the diagnostic ({3}) that this recovery is assigned ...
  17. Target class {0} for Recovery {1} does not derive from Target class {2} of the monitor ({3}) that this recovery is assigned ...
  18. Target entity already bound to another membership through hosting. Relationship target ID: {0} Rule ID: {1} Instance:{2} ...
  19. Target entity missing in the discovery data item. The target entity and the membership relationship entity must be inserted ...
  20. Target property is currently not supported on Datasource, Probe, or Condition Detection module references. Error in ID={0}, ...
  21. Target/.$ expressions are not allowed in module references that have the Target property specified. Remove the Target property ...
  22. Task in user role scope is not allowed for this user role. The profile associated with this user role does not allow task ...
  23. Template in user role scope is not allowed for this user role. The profile associated with this user role does not allow ...
  24. The '{0}' cloud already has the '{1}' price sheet assigned to it.{2}{2}Remove the cloud from the list or unassign the cloud ...
  25. The account used to connect to the tier was unauthorized. Make sure a valid username and password were specified on ConnectTier. ...
  26. The agent ({0}) is managing other devices and cannot be uninstalled. Resolve this issue via Agentless Managed view in Administration ...
  27. The call produced inconsistent results. The data on the client does not match the data returned from the server. The most ...
  28. The call resulted in multiple return values, where one was expected. Use an appropriate method for further specializing the ...
  29. The change request template below will be applied when any of the below listed software packages is selected in the self-service ...
  30. The class does not implement the Commit() method. Please use the SaveObjects() method on DatawarehouseStaging service on ...
  31. The class property value specified in the discovery data item is not valid. The value needs to adhere to the class. Class ...
  32. The collection ids or names below do not exist in the SCCM database {0} on server {1}: {2} The list of valid collection names ...
  33. The collection of objects on which the loop operates. The loop will end after it has acted on each object in the collection. ...
  34. The component Alias {0} does not match the alias of any component declared on the projection {1} specified by TypeMapping. ...
  35. The ComponentType ({0}) has lifetime set to ReferenceCount but there are no ComponentReference for this ComponentType is ...
  36. The Configuration Manager 2007 site server database has a build version that is not supported (found: {0}, expected: 6204+). ...
  37. The Configuration Manager 2007 site server database has a build version that is not supported (found: {0}, expected: 6487+). ...
  38. The connector could not be deleted because there are outstanding connector subscriptions that use it. Please delete these ...
  39. The connector with the given connector ID is in an incorrect initialized state for the given operation or does not exist. ...
  40. The criteria associated with this user prompt was authored outside of this control and cannot be edited. To change the criteria, ...
  41. The criteria used for the query has a character or keyword that is not valid. The following parse error was returned: {0} ...
  42. The CSVImporter could not run. The Open(string dataFileName, string formatFileName) method must complete successfully before ...
  43. The Cube and CubeExtension cannot be in the same management pack. All elements in the cube extension can be added to the ...
  44. The cube dimension specified by the many-to-many relationship was not found in the cube. Cube Dimension: {0}. The deployment ...
  45. The cube dimension targeted by the action was not found. Cube Dimension : {0}. The deployment of the cube may still succeed ...
  46. The current context of the path does not allow for any portion to end in an abstract class reference. The following path ...
  47. The Customer Experience Improvement Program collect data about your use of Microsoft applications to identify possible improvements ...
  48. The Customer Experience Improvement Program collects data about your use of Microsoft applications to identify possible improvements ...
  49. The Customer Experience Improvement Program collects data anonymously about the use of Microsoft applications to identify ...
  50. The customizations done on selected form '{0}' will permanently be removed from this management pack. Do you want to continue? ...
  51. The DailyFrequency and DailyStart parameters can only be specified for a daily schedule. Use -ScheduleType Daily or omit ...
  52. The data access service was unable to read license information. This is probably due to an incorrectly restored Root Management ...
  53. The Data Access service was unable to synchronize its snapshot of monitoring object instances with its cached monitoring ...
  54. The data warehouse management group to which this management group is registered must be upgraded or unregistered before ...
  55. The Data Warehouse server specified does not have the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Warehouse.Configuration management pack. Please ...
  56. The database subscription configuration is not valid. The following errors were encountered: Exception message: %5 One or ...
  57. The database subscription has recovered from its wait to be acknowledged. The following errors were encountered: Exception ...
  58. The database subscription has recovered from its wait to execute database queries. The following errors were encountered: ...
  59. The database subscription is unable to find instances that match its criteria because of database errors. The following errors ...
  60. The database subscription is unable to notify the runtime of errors it encountered. The following errors were encountered: ...
  61. The database subscription is unable to retrieve the watermark because of database errors. The watermark is being set from ...
  62. The database subscription is unable to save the error state to the database. Check previous event log messages for the error. ...
  63. The database subscription is unable to save the state of triggered Windows workflow because of database errors. You will ...
  64. The database subscription is unable to save the watermark because of database errors. If the module is restarted you may ...
  65. The database subscription is unable to trigger the Windows workflow because of Data Access service errors. The following ...
  66. The database subscription notification acknowledgement is taking longer than expected. The following errors were encountered: ...
  67. The database subscription notification could not be authorized. Notifications will be sent without authorizing the subscription's ...
  68. The database subscription query is longer than expected. Check the database or simplify the database subscription criteria. ...
  69. The database subscription ran into errors while removing the subscription. The following errors were encountered: Exception ...
  70. The database subscription was unable to notify about instances that matched its criteria because of runtime errors. The following ...
  71. The database subscription Windows workflow configuration is not valid. The following errors were encountered: Exception message: ...
  72. The DataWarehouseEnum being referred to is not found, make sure the MP that the enum is defined in has been deployed in the ...
  73. The diagnostic status notification was not setup correctly. The notification for diagnostic job with ID "%1" will not be ...
  74. The dimension property targeted by the ManagementPack element was not found. The property must exist in the target entity ...
  75. The dimension targeted by the named calculation was not found. Dimension : {0}. The deployment of the cube may still succeed ...