System Center Service Manager 2012

  1. Invalid SystemCenterCube. Every substitution must define either an alias or a replacement dimension. Measure Group : {0} ...
  2. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, a cube that was referencing only Domain.Common facts cannot be targeted at a non-primary ...
  3. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, a ManyToManyRelationship's CubeDimension cannot be modified. Old Value={0}, New Value={1} ...
  4. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, a ManyToManyRelationship's Intermediate Measure Group cannot be modified. Old Value={0}, ...
  5. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, a ManyToManyRelationship's Target Measure Group cannot be modified. Old Value={0}, ...
  6. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, a measure group's DateDimAlias cannot be modified. MeasureGroup: {0} Previous DateDimAlias: ...
  7. Invalid SystemCenterCube. On upgrade, the fact targeted by a measure group cannot be modified. Measure Group: {0} Previous ...
  8. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The attribute AliasReplacementDimensionAs is referring to a replacement dimension that does not ...
  9. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The cube dimension specified by the many-to-many relationship was not found in the cube. Cube Dim: ...
  10. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The cube dimension targeted by the drillthrough column is invalid and does not reference a valid ...
  11. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The cube measure is not unique. The measure name must be unique for a given cube. Measure Name: ...
  12. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The cube's ManyToManyDimension is not unique. The combination of the Cube Dimension, Target Measure ...
  13. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The DimensionRelationalAlias defined either does not exist in the target fact or the dimensions ...
  14. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The measure group referred to by the substitution is invalid or cannot be found. Measure Group: ...
  15. Invalid SystemCenterCube. The target and intermediate measure group for the many-to-many relationship cannot be identical. ...
  16. Invalid value specified for the relationship endpoint. Specify 0 for none (while creating property restriction), or 4 for ...
  17. is an abstract class that has no concrete subclasses defined. Criteria on an abstract class with no concrete derived classes ...
  18. It may take a few seconds to update all the selected subscriptions and you will not be able to interact with the console ...
  19. Items refresh of the DataGrid failed. One of the probable causes is that the SortDescriptions added are not valid, in which ...
  20. Key or required properties for class {0} are not specified. The following properties must be included in the format file: ...
  21. Load Transaction Rollback has failed with an InvalidOperationException. This usually indicates that the Transaction is either ...
  22. Managed Sources need not provide a management pack list as the schema of these sources in already known. Expected value for ...
  23. Management pack association failed. Management pack ID: %1 Management pack name: %2 Management pack version: %3 Data source ...
  24. Management pack association ignored. This does not require any action. If you continue to frequently see this warning, contact ...
  25. Management pack export from source failed. This management pack will not be imported in the data warehouse. Management pack ...
  26. Management pack import failed. Management pack ID: %1 Management pack name: %2 Management pack version: %3 Data source name: ...
  27. Management pack reference is incorrect. Reference to management pack ID={0}, KeyToken={1} in file ({2}) does not match what ...
  28. Management pack synchronization job: Attempted to uninstall a management pack that does not exist in the system. The synchronization ...
  29. Management service '{0}' that contains the location monitoring object is not available. Make sure that the computer hosting ...
  30. Matched enum value {0} for property {1} of class {2} in data file with enum display name: {3}. Display names may not be unique. ...
  31. Matched enum value {0} for property {1} of class {2} in data file with enum display name: {3}. Display names may not be unique. ...
  32. Matched enum value {0} for property {1} of class {2} in data file with enum name having different casing: {3}. Consider using ...
  33. Matched property {0} of class {1} in format file with class display name having different casing: {2}. Consider using exact ...
  34. Matched property {0} of class {1} in format file with class property display name: {2}. Display names may not be unique. ...
  35. Matched property {0} of class {1} in format file with class property name having different casing: {2}. Consider using exact ...
  36. MemberModule ID={0}, TypeID={1} has the Stateful flag set to 'true'. ProbeActionModuleType cannot have a stateful ConditionDetection ...
  37. Message : A Connection Exception was encountered while trying to connect to Analysis Server. Ensure the Analysis Server Service ...
  38. Message : An Exception was encountered while trying to process a cube. Cube Name: %1 Exception Message: %2 Stack Trace: %3. ...
  39. Message : Changes to the cube via a cube update has failed due to a deadlock. This is most likely because the cube was processing ...
  40. Message : Cube %1 was not found and not returned from SDK Instance Space or Management Pack. Ensure that SDK services is ...
  41. Message : Cube %1 was not initialized correctly and returned from the OlapCubeFactory. Check cube syntax to ensure cube is ...
  42. Message : Cube Partitions were not managed in the DWMaintenance run for the cube %1. This is most likely because a cube was ...
  43. Message : Cube Processing workitem has failed. This is most likely caused by the DWDataMart (primary datamart) being out ...
  44. Message : Cube translations were not added or updated in the DWMaintenance run. This is most likely because a cube was processing ...
  45. Message : Deployment of a management pack with cubes cannot complete deployment. The cube name %1 with id %2 already exists ...
  46. Message : Deployment of a management pack with cubes encountered errors. The cube(s) were created in the AS DB but the creation ...
  47. Message : During deployment, the deserialization of a resource's contents returned no data. This is most likely caused by ...
  48. Message : Exception thrown during commit of AMO transaction to the Analysis Services DB. Rolling Back Transaction. Exception ...
  49. Message: %1 Module name: %2 Process: %3 Entity type: %4 Entity name: %5 Entity GUID: %6 Field warehouse source ID value: ...
  50. Microsoft Update offers security and important updates for Windows and other Microsoft products, including Microsoft System ...
  51. Microsoft Update offers security and important updates for Windows and other Microsoft products, including System Center ...
  52. Mismatched Stateful flag specified in composition. ConditionDetectionModuleType {0} has its Stateful flag set to 'false', ...
  53. Mismatched Stateful flag specified in composition. ConditionDetectionModuleType {0} has its Stateful flag set to 'true', ...
  54. Module sequence error. Module ID={0}, Type={1} does not have a Target attribute, but the previous module (in the same workflow) ...
  55. Module target error. Only one unique Target location is currently supported by the runtime. The module ID={0}, TypeID={1}, ...
  56. Module type {0} used in this diagnostic is not valid. Only those module types that accept one input DataType can be used ...
  57. ModuleType composition error. ConditionDetection Module ({0}) cannot be a leaf node on this Composite DataSourceModule. DataSourceModule ...
  58. ModuleType composition error. ProbeAction module Type={0}, ID={1} cannot be a leaf node in this composition. The composition ...
  59. ModuleType composition error. WriteAction module ({0}) cannot be a leaf node on this composite DataSourceModule. DataSourceModule ...
  60. More than one default LanguagePack object found in this management pack. Only one LanguagePack object can have the IsDefault ...
  61. Moves a virtual machine stored in the Virtual Machine Manager library or deployed on a host server to a new location on a ...
  62. MP Sync did not associate the lower version of the ManagementPack. ManagementPackName = %1 SourceName = %2 SourceVersion ...
  63. MP Sync failed to connect to Data Access Service on the machine %1%. Ensure that the service is started and that there are ...
  64. MPXmlLoader cannot load a management pack with a null version number through this interface method. Call the version independent ...
  65. Multiple hosting relationships found for ClassType={0}. Relationship {1} is a hosting relationship defined on this class ...
  66. NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is required Setup will download and install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. If you are not connected to the ...
  67. No configuration item is related to this incident. You can only run this task on affected or related configuration items. ...
  68. No values were specified for properties RecurrenceIntervalInMinutes and RecurrenceTerminateCount. To notify only once, specify ...
  69. Note that when the group is created, it can take some time to synchronize the group members. To create the group, click Create. ...
  70. Object is not allowed for this user role scope. The profile associated with this user role does not allow object to be specified. ...
  71. One of the questions used in this offering is mapped to a property that does not specify a path. Please ensure your management ...
  72. One or more of the following components did not install correctly. Setup has rolled back this installation. Correct any problems ...
  73. One or more values in the criteria description are incorrect or missing. Make sure you have entered valid values in all fields ...
  74. Only a UnitMonitor configuration can be overridden with a MonitorConfigurationOverride. To override AggregateMonitor or DependencyMonitor ...
  75. Open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard after Setup closes. You are advised to complete this process to be prepared ...