System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2

  1. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open Event Schema Failure: The schema file could not be ...
  2. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open I/O Completion Port Failure: Error opening the IOCP ...
  3. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open network protocol Failure: Network protocols could ...
  4. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open SSPI Package Failure: The SSPI package could not be ...
  5. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open SSPI Packages Failure: Credentials could not be acquired ...
  6. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Open SSPI Packages Failure: Credentials could not be acquired ...
  7. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Register SPN Failure: Verification / registration of SPNs ...
  8. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Version Check Failure: ACS Collector is only supported ...
  9. AdtServer encountered the following problem during startup: Task: Version Check Failure: Error retrieving OS version Error: ...
  10. Advisor Data Connector is an outbound connector that synchronizes alerts change from SCOM management group to Advisor cloud ...
  11. After a period of time, active alerts which are no longer relevant can be automatically resolved. Once an alert is in a resolved ...
  12. Agents can generate heartbeats at a specific interval to ensure that they are functioning properly. You can specify how the ...
  13. Alert properties on one or more alerts could not be modified due to being out of sync with the server. Please try the operation ...
  14. Alert resolution states allow you to classify alerts into various states, and to define the behavior associated with each ...
  15. Alert: {0}Source: {1}Path: {2}Last modified by: {3}Last modified time: {4}Alert description: {5}Alert view link: {6}Notification ...
  16. Alerts can be suppressed using properties of the data type that caused the event data to be generated. Usually, these properties ...
  17. Alerts from the following management groups cannot be displayed: {0} The management groups might be offline, or access may ...
  18. Also, consolidate events if the following event data parameters are identical. Enter each parameter as offset into the event ...
  19. An agent assignment rule for the domain "{0}" and management server "{1}" already exist. Proceeding to create this rule will ...
  20. An agent pending action exists for this computer. This action must be rejected before approving the computer as a gateway. ...
  21. An application with the name "{0}" has already been added to this application group. To configure "{0}" at "{1}" for monitoring ...
  22. An attempt was made to load the component assembly '{0}' with an unmatched declared qualified name '{1}', the management ...
  23. An Audit Forwarder disconnected. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Reason: Collector disconnected the forwarder because it is busy. ...
  24. An Audit Forwarder disconnected. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Reason: Collector disconnected the forwarder because of missing ...
  25. An Audit Forwarder disconnected. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Reason: Collector received command to disconnect the forwarder. ...
  26. An Audit Forwarder disconnected. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Reason: Forwarder initiated disconnect or connection broken. ...
  27. An Audit Forwarder tried to connect but was rejected. Reason: Agent value too low. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Status: %4 ...
  28. An Audit forwarder tried to connect but was rejected. Reason: An error occured. Name: %1 Address: %2 Port: %3 DbId: %4 Value: ...
  29. An Audit Forwarder tried to connect but was rejected. Reason: Collector too busy. Name: %1 DbId: %2 Value: %3 Status: %4 ...
  30. An error occured during the installation of assembly component 2]. HRESULT: 3]. {assembly interface: 4], function: 5], assembly ...
  31. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. One or more modules of the assembly could not be found. HRESULT: ...
  32. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The assembly is not strongly named or is not signed with the ...
  33. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The signature or catalog could not be verified or is not valid. ...
  34. An error occurred during the installation of assembly component 2]. HRESULT: 3]. {assembly interface: 4], function: 5], assembly ...
  35. An error occurred trying to deserialize an object on the client. The client type requested was {0} and the server returned ...
  36. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  37. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  38. An error occurred while attempting to create the account. Please fix the error and try again. The account has not been created. ...
  39. An error occurred while attempting to create the account. Please fix the error and try again. The account has not been created. ...
  40. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  41. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  42. An evaluation version of Operations Manager was successfully installed. To properly license Operations Manager, use the Set-SCOMLicense ...
  43. An install for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that install to continue. Do you want to undo ...
  44. An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
  45. An older version of Operations Manager that Setup cannot upgrade has been found on this computer. Uninstall the older version ...
  46. An operational state must be mapped to 'Success' health state. This monitor will never be healthy if a success health state ...
  47. Anonymous authentication can't be enabled for '{0}' directory because the application name is incorrect. Please set it manually. ...
  48. Another instance of setup is already running. Please close the other instance or wait until it is finished before continuing ...
  49. Application Advisor Reports have not finished publishing to the Operations Manager data warehouse database.{0}Wait about ...
  50. Application group '{0}' has been already added for monitoring. Please change the environment tag value or change the application ...
  51. Application Group {0}"{1}"{2} will be created.{3} The operation may require a long time. Press 'Next' button to continue. ...
  52. Application Group {0}"{1}"{2} will be modified.{3} The operation may require a long time. Press 'Next' button to continue. ...
  53. Application Performance Monitoring account used to provide keys for encrypting secure information collected from the application ...
  54. ApplicationGroup ID' variable cannot return available values : mode is restricted and userName is not defined or invalid ...
  55. Associating specific addresses with notification schedules allows subscribers to be contacted when and where they are available. ...
  56. At least one of the following applications is installed on this computer. Due to incompatibility with System Center 2012 ...
  57. Audit Collection performs database maintenance on a daily basis. Database performance will be impacted during the maintenance ...
  58. Auto-Approvals - Choose whether to automatically approve revisions. - Choose to allow System Center Essentials updates. - ...
  59. Available MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for ...
  60. AVIcode .NET Enterprise Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007 is present in the management group. Setup will continue, ...
  61. Base class is null for {0}]. This is not a valid management pack. Please specify a valid Base class or remove the reference ...
  62. Because one or more devices are configured to use default Run As accounts, you must have at least one account selected as ...
  63. Before monitoring can begin, you might need to restart IIS or recycle the IIS Application Pools. To see which of those actions ...
  64. Before you can configure monitoring for ASP.NET web applications and services, you must import either the Operations Manager ...
  65. Before you can select a service here, you must first have added monitoring for the service by using the Windows Services ...
  66. Before you click Next , verify the database name, the instance name, and the port. Ensure that you have sufficient permissions ...
  67. Browse Active Directory or type computer names into the list below. Separate each computer name by a semi-colon, comma or ...
  68. Browser extensions are currently disabled in Internet Explorer. This prevents the Web Recorder from starting automatically. ...
  69. By installing this software, you confirm acceptance of the relevant System Center 2012 R2 license terms. The terms are in ...
  70. By installing this software, you confirm acceptance of the relevant System Center 2012 R2 license terms. The terms are in ...
  71. Bytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. ...
  72. Can not select the original monitor because the target type changed. Select a new monitor from the list of available types. ...
  73. Cancellation will occur after the current task is complete. Setup will then roll back any already installed features. Are ...
  74. Cannot add ManagementPackReference {0}]. Unsealed ManagementPacks cannot be added as references. Please specify a valid Sealed ...
  75. Cannot add {0} to this collection. Another ManagementPackSubElement {1} exists under this ManagementPackElement[{2} with ...