SharePoint Search 2016

  1. Check this box to show a dropdown that gives users a way to switch the language of their query. The dropdown will only appear ...
  2. Check this box to show definitions for the user's query. These definitions are social, because they're discovered inside ...
  3. Check this box to show error and debug messages. These messages can help to troubleshoot problems with the Web Part or with ...
  4. Check this box to show the RSS link. RSS gives users a way to subscribe to the results for a query so they know when results ...
  5. Check this box to show users' personal favorites. Personal favorites are results users have clicked on previously for the ...
  6. Check this box to use the search box settings on the "Search Settings" page in site administration. This option is useful ...
  7. Check this option to assign this database to be a dedicated web front end for crawling. Crawling through a dedicated web ...
  8. Check whether to show a link to the search center. This link can be helpful on narrowly scoped results pages (for example, ...
  9. Checkpointing new content to catalog %1 failed due to critically low disk space. No new content will be indexed until disk ...
  10. Choose a Display Template to control the organization of your search results and the overall look of the web part. (In the ...
  11. Choose a Display Template to control the overall look of the Web Part. (In the next list you'll choose a Display Template ...
  12. Choose additional options for query server configuration. These options will modify the number of query servers suggested ...
  13. Choose the importance of this web part's query. We'll run queries according to their relative priorities when the search ...
  14. Choose whether browser-enabled documents should be opened in the client or browser by default when you click on them as results. ...
  15. Choose whether search should prefer certain languages. The languages you select will appear in a dropdown on the results ...
  16. Choose whether the result type should be decided automatically with result type rules or specify an individual result type ...
  17. Choose whether this query is issued on the server while the page is loading, which is better for your main content, or from ...
  18. Click 'Stop' to stop rebalancing. Documents that have already been moved will not be moved back, and documents currently ...
  19. Click the ranking model you want to use for your search results.(Your search administrator can create additional options.) ...
  20. Client Type identifies an application where a search query is sent from. System client types are available out-of-the box, ...
  21. Client Type name is usually composed of a number of words joined without spaces, with each word's initial letter in capitals. ...
  22. Coalesce is either not used properly or this form is not supported at present: check possible mixing of grouping with coalesce ...
  23. Compiled dictionary was successfully delivered to Repository Service. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, Dictionary ...
  24. Complete Matching:Queries will only be matched against the exact content of the property. For example, if you have a managed ...
  25. Component and System=%1, Correlation ID=%2, Tenant ID=%3 Error code=%4, Flow Name=%5, Operator Name=%6, Message=The processing ...
  26. Configuration Error: This site is currently configured to use Structural Navigation. The option you selected, Use the refinement ...
  27. Configuration Error: This Web Part was sharing results with a Web Part that can't be found on the page. To fix the issue, ...
  28. Configure Search Server to crawl the content that you want people to search. We recommend that you follow the steps in the ...
  29. Configured crawl target web frontends couldn't be validated. Check if the crawl target web frontends are accessible and AAM ...
  30. Content Search Web Part will allow you to show items that are results of a search query you specify. When you add it to the ...
  31. Content submission service related performance counters. The content submission service is the service that any client talks ...
  32. Control Display Templates control the organization of your results within the web part they are used in and the overall look ...
  33. Could not access the Search administration database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain ...
  34. Could not access the Search Analytics Reporting database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to ...
  35. Could not access the Search gatherer database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the ...
  36. Could not access the Search links database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the schema ...
  37. Could not access the Search metadata database. A generic error occurred while trying to access the database to obtain the ...
  38. Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error can occur if the Application Server Administration ...
  39. Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Administration ...
  40. Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Timer Job does ...
  41. Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Timer Job is ...
  42. Could not connect to server {0} for application '{1}'. This error might occur if the server is not responding to client requests, ...
  43. Could not connect to server {0}. This error might occur if the firewall or proxy configuration is preventing the server from ...
  44. Could not connect to the search application administration Web service for application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might ...
  45. Could not connect to the search application administration Web service for application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might ...
  46. Crawl database refactoring task failed because it was unable to move data from crawl database '{0}' to crawl database '{1}' ...
  47. Crawled properties are automatically extracted from crawled content. Users can perform queries over managed properties. Use ...
  48. Crawling of documents was stopped. This is an internal error code and should not be reported to users. Call Microsoft Product ...
  49. Crawling of this item failed, HTTP 504: Gateway Timeout. Try accessing the item using a browser on the crawl machine. If ...
  50. Create a block of results shown along with the core results. You can specify the query that fills the block with results ...
  51. Create a file that includes all customized query rules, result sources, result types, ranking models and site search settings ...
  52. Create and modify configuration of query client types which are used to identify querying clients so as to prioritize query ...
  53. Create and modify query rules to promote important results, show blocks of additional results, and even fine-tune ranking. ...
  54. Create and modify sources you can query for results. This includes filtered results from SharePoint as well as results from ...
  55. Create Search Config Template: Provisions a template for the Search Config List to enable the import and export of search ...
  56. Currently the settings in this cmdlet have no effect, since entity extraction is disabled in the LinguisticComponentsStatusProperties. ...
  57. Currently the settings in this cmdlet have no effect, since query spelling correction is disabled in the LinguisticComponentsStatusProperties. ...
  58. Custom dictionary deployment timer job failed. SearchComponent: %1, SearchServiceApplication: %2, FlowName: %3, CorrelationId: ...
  59. Data cannot be written to the output configuration file. This error is obsolete and should no longer be reported. Call Microsoft ...
  60. DatabaseUsername and DatabasePassword must be specified together. If you mean for one to be empty, use the empty string instead ...
  61. Default site path for importing profiles was not found. Provisioning for importing profiles might have failed at the begining ...
  62. DefaultContentAccessAccountName and DefaultContentAccessAccountPassword must be specified together. If you mean for one to ...
  63. Define when a user's search box query makes this rule fire. You can specify multiple conditions of different types, or remove ...
  64. Deleting a managed property can have undesired effects for end users. Make sure that the managed property is not used in ...
  65. Deleting this index component will cause repartitioning to occur and crawling will not occur until the repartitioning is ...
  66. Deletion of the timer job SearchTopologyActivationJobDefinition failed for the Search Service Application '%1'. If the Topology ...
  67. DFSURL' parameter is invalid. Right format is 'RepostioryName1\DFSURL1\DFSURL2\.DFSURLn\RepositoryName2\DFSURL1\DFSURL2\.DFSURLn\.'. ...
  68. Dictionary compilation completed successfully. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, Dictionaryname %3, Entries: %4, Duration: ...
  69. Dictionary deployment completed successfully. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: ...
  70. Dictionary deployment failed. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: %4, Component:%5, ...
  71. Dictionary deployment started. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: %4, ...
  72. Dictionary import cmdlet completed successfully. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: ...
  73. Dictionary import cmdlet failed. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: %4, ...
  74. Dictionary import cmdlet started. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, SearchServiceApplication: %3, DictionaryName: %4, ...
  75. Dictionary provisioning completed successfully. SearchComponent: %1, CorrelationId: %2, DictionaryName: %3, DictionaryVersion: ...