SQL Server 2016

  1. A transaction dependency failure occurred, and the current transaction can no longer commit. Please retry the transaction. ...
  2. A transactional log backup could not be generated because the database is in either NORECOVERY mode or STANDBY mode. Primary ...
  3. A translation for culture '%{culture/}' was defined for property '%{prop/}' and the object of type '%{typename/}' with name ...
  4. A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. The truncation occurred during evaluation, which may include any ...
  5. A user request from the session with SPID %1!s! generated a fatal exception. SQL Server is terminating this session. Contact ...
  6. A user transaction that accesses memory optimized tables or natively compiled modules cannot access more than one user database ...
  7. A value for the MIME type parameter '{0}' is incorrect because it terminates with an escape character. In a parameter value, ...
  8. A value for the MIME type parameter '{0}' is incorrect; although the parameter started with a quote character, a closing ...
  9. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized ...
  10. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized ...
  11. A value for the parameter @retention cannot be specified when the job type is 'capture'. Specify NULL for the parameter, ...
  12. A value generated by the Time Dimension Generator (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator.dll) was of an unexpected ...
  13. A value in the key column in the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model is missing. A key column value is required ...
  14. A value shared across entities or associations is generated in more than one location. Check that mapping does not split ...
  15. A value was specified for the SkippedLevels property of a member, but no binding was specified for the SkippedLevels property ...
  16. A value with the data type of {0} was expected for object "{3}", but the value was of type {1}. The conversion exception ...
  17. A variable specified was not found in the collection. It might not exist in the correct scope. Verify that the variable exists ...
  18. A Variation object '%{variation/}' in column '%{column/}' refers to %{objectType/} '%{objectName/}' which has been deleted. ...
  19. A Wait Category combines the wait time for closely-related wait types. See "Active User Tasks" for individual wait types. ...
  20. A weighted average of wait time over the last 1 to 2 minutes. Similar to the "Wait Time (ms/sec)" column, but with less variability. ...
  21. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  22. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  23. A Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. Always On Availability ...
  24. A wizard that assists you in creating a new Integration Services project that is based on an existing one. Import from a ...
  25. A worker thread in the Sort transformation stopped with error code 1!8.8X!. A catastrophic error was encountered while sorting ...
  26. A {0} at the intersection of Group '{4}' and Group '{5}' in {3} '{1}' includes a relationship with a missing or invalid {2} ...
  27. A {0} at the intersection of Group '{4}' and Group '{5}' in {3} '{1}' includes more than one relationship with the same value ...
  28. A {0} at the intersection of Group '{4}' and Group '{5}' in {3} '{1}' is missing a {2} property. The {2} property must be ...
  29. A {0} at the intersection of Group '{4}' and Group '{5}' in {3} '{1}' uses the same {2} as parent Group '{5}'. A {0} may ...
  30. A {0} in the {5} '{1}' contains an invalid {2} (Expected: {3}'; Actual: {4}'). The {2} of {0} must be the same as the {2} ...
  31. A {2} expression used for report parameter {1}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in report parameter ...
  32. A {2} expression used for the report parameter '{1}' includes an aggregate or lookup function. Aggregate and lookup functions ...
  33. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a data source. Data sources cannot be used in report parameter ...
  34. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a dataset. Datasets cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  35. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  36. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a parameter. Parameters cannot be used in report parameter ...
  37. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the Previous aggregate function. Previous cannot be used in report ...
  38. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the RunningValue aggregate function. RunningValue cannot be used ...
  39. A {2} for the {0} {1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in dataset filters or data region ...
  40. A {2} in the matrix {1}' contains more than one report item. Each section in a matrix can contain at most one report item. ...
  41. A {2} in the {0} {1}' has an invalid {2} name, '{3}'. {2} names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {4} characters. ...
  42. A {2} join relationship expression for the {0} '{1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in ...
  43. A {2} join relationship expression for the {0} {1}' includes the Previous aggregate function. Previous cannot be used in ...
  44. A {2} join relationship expression for the {0} {1}' includes the RunningValue aggregate function . RunningValue cannot be ...
  45. A {2} join relationship expression for {0} '{1}' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in join relationship ...
  46. A {2} join relationship expression for {0} {1}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in join relationship ...
  47. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has a duplicate name, '{3}'. {2} names must be unique within the report. ...
  48. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has an invalid name, '{3}'. {2} names must be CLS-compliant identifiers. ...
  49. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has an invalid name, '{3}'. {2} names must be greater than 0 and less than ...
  50. Abandoning a database operation '%1!s!' on availability database '%2!s!' of availability group '%3!s!'. The sequence number ...
  51. AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object s EntityKey value is null or is not a temporary key. This can happen when ...
  52. AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make ...
  53. Access is denied to full-text log path. Full-text logging is disabled for database '%1!s!', catalog '%2!s!' (database ID ...
  54. Access Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) to write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic {0} or Microsoft ...
  55. Access Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) to write scripts using the Visual Basic {0} or Visual C# {0}, ...
  56. Access to REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE has been disabled through server configuration option 'remote data archive'. Use "exec sp_configure ...
  57. Access to the FILESTREAM tombstone table for the database '%1!s!' cannot be performed at the moment because it conflicts ...
  58. Accessing history table for memory optimized temporal table using the SERIALIZABLE isolation level is not supported while ...
  59. Accessing memory optimized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. ...
  60. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  61. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  62. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  63. Accessing value of the parameter variable for the sensitive parameter "%1!s!" is not allowed. Verify that the variable is ...
  64. Account Retry Attempts, Account Retry Delay, Maximum File Size, Database Mail Executable Minimum Lifetime, and Maximum Number ...
  65. Accurate forecasting requires at least 3 times as many data points as the seasonality value. If possible, add more historical ...
  66. Activates data cleanup automatically when total amount of data reaches maximum size. Off- Data cleanup does not take place. ...
  67. Active rowset for partition ID %1!s! found at the end of the batch. This error may indicate incorrect exception handling. ...
  68. ActiveState property of the relationship with id = '%{relationshipId/}' in table '%{table/}' has to be set to Active/Inactive ...
  69. ActiveState property of the relationship with id = '%{relationshipId/}' in table '%{table/}' has to be set to Ignore since ...
  70. ActiveState property on relationship should always be set to 'ActiveStateIgnore'. Please check the relationship with id: ...
  71. ActiveState property on relationship should be set to Active/Inactive when database compatibility level is greater than 1103. ...
  72. Add a matrix to the report. A matrix displays data grouped by rows and columns, much like a PivotTable report or crosstab. ...
  73. Add a new column then type a DAX formula to create a calculated column. At least one table must exist in the PowerPivot window ...
  74. Add an additional PowerPivot for SharePoint server to support more connections. For more information about this rule, see ...
  75. Add an additional PowerPivot for SharePoint server to support more connections. For more information about this rule, see ...