SQL Server 2012

  1. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraint '%1!s!' in source table '%2!s!' is NOCHECK constraint but the matching ...
  2. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints of source table '%1!s!' allow values that are not allowed by range ...
  3. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table '%1!s!' allows values that are ...
  4. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' is computed column but the same column in '%3!s!' is ...
  5. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Computed column '%1!s!' defined as '%2!s!' in table '%3!s!' is different from the same ...
  6. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Foreign key constraint '%1!s!' is disabled in source table '%2!s!' and the corresponding ...
  7. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Foreign key constraint '%1!s!' is NOCHECK in source table '%2!s!' and the corresponding ...
  8. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Index '%1!s!' on indexed view '%2!s!' uses partition function '%3!s!', but table '%4!s!' ...
  9. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Indexed view '%1!s!' is not aligned with table '%2!s!'. The partitioning column '%3!s!' ...
  10. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Partition %1!s! of %2!s! '%3!s!' has TEXT filegroup '%4!s!' and partition %5!s! of %6!s! ...
  11. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Partition %1!s! of %2!s! '%3!s!' is in filegroup '%4!s!' and partition %5!s! of %6!s! ...
  12. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Range defined by partition %1!s! in table '%2!s!' is not a subset of range defined by ...
  13. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Source and target partitions have different values for the DATA_COMPRESSION option. ...
  14. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. SWITCH is not allowed because source table '%1!s!' contains primary key for constraint ...
  15. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' has a column level check constraint '%2!s!' on column '%3!s!' that is ...
  16. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' has RULE constraint '%2!s!'. SWITCH is not allowed on tables with RULE ...
  17. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Table '%1!s!' is not aligned with the index '%2!s!' on indexed view '%3!s!'. The table ...
  18. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' and source table '%2!s!' have different vardecimal storage format ...
  19. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a check constraint '%2!s!' on a CLR type column, but the source ...
  20. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a check constraint '%2!s!' on an XML column, but the source ...
  21. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a column level check constraint '%2!s!' but the source table ...
  22. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has a table level check constraint '%2!s!' but the source table ...
  23. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has an XML or spatial index '%2!s!' on it. Only source table can ...
  24. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' has foreign key for constraint '%2!s!' but source table '%3!s!' ...
  25. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' is referenced by %2!s! indexed view(s), but source table '%3!s!' ...
  26. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Target table '%1!s!' is referenced by %2!s! indexed view(s), but source table '%3!s!' ...
  27. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The columns set used to partition the table '%1!s!' is different from the column set ...
  28. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The lobdata of partition %1!s! in table '%2!s!' resides in a readonly filegroup '%3!s!'. ...
  29. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The source table '%1!s!' is in database '%2!s!' while the target table '%3!s!' is in ...
  30. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The statement is not allowed because one or more of the tables in this statement is ...
  31. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' belongs to a publication which does not allow switching of partitions ...
  32. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has clustered index '%2!s!' while the table '%3!s!' does not have ...
  33. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has different setting for Large Value Types Out Of Row table option ...
  34. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. The table '%1!s!' has inline limit of %2!s! for text in row data which is different ...
  35. ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table '%1!s!' for the index '%2!s!' in target ...
  36. AlterEventLifeTime has evaluated an event's new start time to a DateTime type whose Kind is unspecified. The DateTimeKind ...
  37. Altering existing schema components is not allowed. There was an attempt to modify an existing XML Schema component, component ...
  38. Altering table '%1!s!' failed because the row size using vardecimal storage format exceeds the maximum allowed table row ...
  39. Alternate snapshot folder and dynamic snapshot location are incompatible parameters, at most one of them can be specified ...
  40. Although the digital signature is valid, the certification authority is not trusted and authenticity cannot be guaranteed. ...
  41. Although the trace definition was downloaded successfully, there was a problem loading trace description file %s, which may ...
  42. Although validation of the package returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0), there were warnings, and those warnings will be treated as ...
  43. AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %1!s! database established for %2!s! database '%3!s!' on the availability replica ...
  44. AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %1!s! database terminated for %2!s! database '%3!s!' on the availability replica ...
  45. AlwaysOn Availability Groups data movement for database '%1!s!' has been resumed. This is an informational message only. ...
  46. AlwaysOn Availability Groups data movement for database '%1!s!' has been suspended for the following reason: "%2!s!" (Source ...
  47. AlwaysOn Availability Groups log apply for availability database "%1!s!" has received an out-of-order log block. The expected ...
  48. AlwaysOn Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 1!s!, "NOT OK") was returned when sending a message for database ID %2!s!. ...
  49. AlwaysOn Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message ...
  50. AlwaysOn Availability Groups transport for availability database "%1!s!" failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is ...
  51. AlwaysOn Availability Groups was not started because %1!s!. This is an informational message. No user action is required. ...
  52. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational ...
  53. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. ...
  54. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an informational message only. ...
  55. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational ...
  56. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message ...
  57. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational ...
  58. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational ...
  59. AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational ...
  60. AlwaysOn: Availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. ...
  61. AlwaysOn: Availability group '%1!s!' was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. ...
  62. AlwaysOn: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to ...
  63. AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is going offline because %1!s!. This is an informational message only. No user ...
  64. AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. ...
  65. AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is ...
  66. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed to validate ...
  67. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal ...
  68. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows ...
  69. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration ...
  70. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, ...
  71. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is preparing to transition to the primary role in response to a ...
  72. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is preparing to transition to the resolving role in response to ...
  73. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or ...
  74. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. ...
  75. AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group '%1!s!' is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action ...