SQL Server 2008 R2

  1. Applying transformation to access control entry '{1}' in order to apply it to directory '{0}' as part of the SQL Server Browser ...
  2. Applying transformation to access control entry '{1}' in order to apply it to registry key '{0}' as part of the SQL Server ...
  3. Applying transformation to directory path '{0}' in order to add an access control entry as part of the SQL Server Browser ...
  4. Applying transformation to registry key path '{0}' in order to add an access control entry as part of the SQL Server Browser ...
  5. Are you sure that you want to disable the copy job? If you answer Yes, the job will complete any current activity and then ...
  6. Are you sure that you want to disable the restore job? If you answer Yes, the job will complete any current activity and ...
  7. Are you sure that you want to disable your log shipping configuration? Disabling the primary database of a log shipping configuration ...
  8. Are you sure that you want to remove database '{0}' with principal server instance '{1}' and mirror server instance '{2}' ...
  9. Are you sure that you want to remove {0}].[{1} as a secondary database for this log shipping configuration? Removing this ...
  10. Are you sure you want to delete publication "{0}" in database "{1}"? All subscriptions to this publication will also be deleted ...
  11. Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s) from your model? Deleting items from a model irrecoverably invalidates ...
  12. Are you sure you want to disable this Publisher? If this Publisher is configured to use this Distributor, all of this Publisher's ...
  13. Argument is not a valid hex string. Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably ...
  14. Argument passed to option -{0} should be specified as either fully qualified table name database].[schema].[table or as a ...
  15. ArgumentOutOfRangeException is met: row {0} total length {1}, declared lines per recod {2}, actual lines {3} , column {4}, ...
  16. Arrange fields to group data in rows, columns, or both, and choose values to display. Data expands across the page in column ...
  17. Arrays of other than byte (binary or image) are allowed only as method or property return values, and will be converted to ...
  18. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a ...
  19. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a ...
  20. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a ...
  21. Article "%1!s!" in publication "%2!s!" does not qualify for the partition option that you specified. You cannot specify a ...
  22. Article '%1!s!' can not be added, an indexed view published as 'indexed view logbased' and a stored procedure in either form ...
  23. Article '%1!s!' can not support schema_option 0x20 or 0x2000000000 because it contains computed column, check/default constraint ...
  24. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported ...
  25. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported ...
  26. Article '%1!s!' cannot be added or modified in publication '%2!s!'. The replication of FILESTREAM columns is not supported ...
  27. Article '%1!s!' cannot be published because it is published in another merge publication. An article that has a value of ...
  28. Article '%1!s!' is published in another merge publication, with a different value specified for the @partition_options parameter ...
  29. Article '{0}' does not have an explicit destination schema specified, the unqualified replicated object name '{1}' will collide ...
  30. Article information is not valid. Stop the Log Reader Agent, execute the stored procedure sp_replflush, and then restart ...
  31. Article validation was requested for snapshot publication "%1!s!". Article validation is only valid for transactional publications. ...
  32. Articles can only be included in a single peer-to-peer publication. %1!s!].[%2!s! is already included in the peer-to-peer ...
  33. Articles cannot be dropped from this publication because it has a compatibility level of SQL Server 2000, it allows anonymous ...
  34. Articles cannot be dropped from this publication because it has a compatibility level of SQL Server 2000, it has subscriptions, ...
  35. AS2008 does not allow '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the '%{partition/}' partition to be located under the server ...
  36. AS2008 does not allow '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the '%{partition/}' partition to be located under the server ...
  37. Assembly '%1!s!' references assembly '%2!s!', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate ...
  38. Assessment Reports This tab contains controls for configuration of Assessment Reports created by SSMA. It has the following ...
  39. Assign values to the available variables in the cube. A corresponding report parameter will be created for each variable ...
  40. Assigning invalid value or object to variable "%1!s!". This error happens when a value is not appropriate for variables. ...
  41. At input "%1!s!" (%2!d!), the virtual input column collection does not contain a virtual input column with lineage ID %3!d!. ...
  42. At least one action (Copy, Delete, Dump, Encrypt, Exists, Move, Sign, FCreate, FDelete, FRename, FExists, FDirectory) must ...
  43. At least one column in the Available Input Columns table must be mapped to one column in the Available Lookup Columns table. ...
  44. At least one dataset in this report depends on data source '{0}'. If you delete the data source, you must bind each dependent ...
  45. At least one feature (SQL, AS, FullText) must be specified for SQL Server failover clustering. To continue, specify a feature ...
  46. At least one index column should be specified for the Cache connection manager. To specify an index column, set the Index ...
  47. At least one of the following settings must be enabled: Silence Interval, Silence Override Interval, or Force Rebuild Interval. ...
  48. At least one Oracle publisher meta data table does not exist in the Oracle publisher admin schema or the publisher schema ...
  49. At least one table or view must be selected before you can select the related tables. Use the check boxes next to each table ...
  50. At the time of call to BCPColumns, the number of columns must be 0. BCPColumns can be called only once during a BCP operation ...
  51. Attempt to find the input column named "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column specified was not found in ...
  52. Attempt to find the input column with lineage ID %1!d! failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column was not found in ...
  53. Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate ...
  54. Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed and returned error code 2!8.8X!. The expression cannot be parsed. It might ...
  55. Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an ...
  56. Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The token "%2!s!" at line number "%3!s!", character number "%4!s!" was not ...
  57. Attempt to parse the expression failed. The expression contains an invalid or incomplete token. It may contain invalid elements, ...
  58. Attempt to set the data type properties on "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The error occurred while attempting to ...
  59. Attempted overwrite of read-only property. A property value set during report item definition generation cannot be reset ...
  60. Attempted to set property mapping to target unsupported object type. This error occurs when passing an unsupported object ...
  61. Attempting an upgrade of SSIS from version "%1!s!" to version "%2!s!". The package is attempting to upgrade the runtime. ...
  62. Attempting to create an output with the name "%1!s!" for the XML table with the path "%2!s!" failed because the name is invalid. ...
  63. Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No ...
  64. Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). ...
  65. Attempting to set the result column for the expression "%1!s!" on %2!s! failed with error code 3!8.8X!. The input or output ...
  66. Attempting to upgrade a Management Data Warehouse of newer version '%1!s!' with an older version '%2!s!'. Upgrade aborted. ...
  67. Attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' of dimension '%{IMBITableId/}' has a RowNumberBinding, but the type of the attribute is not ...
  68. Attribute relationships do not exist between one or more levels in this hierarchy. The following levels do not have a direct ...
  69. Attribute relationships do not exist between one or more levels of this hierarchy. This may result in decreased query performance. ...
  70. Attribute {0} is an identifying attribute of these entities. These entities may become invalid if this attribute is not included. ...
  71. Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%1!s!' of type TEXT/NTEXT ...
  72. Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%1' of type TEXT/NTEXT or ...
  73. Attributes 'CompareOptions' and 'StringComparison' cannot be specified at the same time for a culture-sensitive operation ...
  74. Audit '%1!s!' failed to %2!s!. For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers ...
  75. Audit '%1!s!' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server ...