SQL Server 2008

  1. An entity of type %1!s! cannot be owned by a role, a group, an approle, or by principals mapped to certificates or asymmetric ...
  2. An error has been encountered with the '%{column/}' column. The ORDER BY clause is supported only on UniqueName and Name ...
  3. An error has occurred while attempting to validate the parameters of this report. Specifically, the query to the data source ...
  4. An error has occurred while trying to access the license validation file. Please reinstall SQL Server to correct this file. ...
  5. An error has occurred while trying to access the license validation file. Please reinstall your SQL Server 2008 software ...
  6. An error has occurred while trying to access the license validation file. Please reinstall your SQL Server software to correct ...
  7. An error occurred because there is a property mapping from a variable to a property with a different type. The property type ...
  8. An error occurred creating a connection for the data file from which the Bulk Insert task extracts data. This task will not ...
  9. An error occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting metadata. If you are working offline, uncheck ...
  10. An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database '%1!s!' (database ID %2!s!) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery ...
  11. An error occurred during the changing of transaction context. This is usually caused by low memory in the system. Try to ...
  12. An error occurred during the execution of '%1!s!'. A call to '%2!s!' failed with error code: '%3!s!', return code: '%4!s!'. ...
  13. An error occurred during the execution of sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account. Possible reasons: the provided account was invalid ...
  14. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. One or more modules of the assembly could not be found. HRESULT: ...
  15. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: ...
  16. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The assembly is not strongly named or is not signed with the ...
  17. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The assembly is not strongly named or is not signed with the ...
  18. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The signature or catalog could not be verified or is not valid. ...
  19. An error occurred in a Service Broker/Database Mirroring transport connection endpoint, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. (Near ...
  20. An error occurred in reading from the audit file or file-pattern: '%1!s!'. The SQL service account may not have Read permission ...
  21. An error occurred in Service Broker internal activation while trying to scan the user queue '%1!s!' for its status. Error: ...
  22. An error occurred in the HTTP Runtime object for application domain {0}. Most likely, the HTTP request contains an unsupported ...
  23. An error occurred in the Microsoft .NET Framework while trying to load assembly id %1!s!. The server may be running out of ...
  24. An error occurred in the service broker queue rollback handler, while trying to disable a queue. Database ID: %1!s!, Queue ...
  25. An error occurred retrieving packages from SQL Server. Verify the specified server name is valid and the specified credentials ...
  26. An error occurred setting the name of the destination connection in the Bulk Insert task. This task will not be migrated ...
  27. An error occurred starting the default trace. Cause: %1!s! Use sp_configure to turn off and then turn on the 'default trace ...
  28. An error occurred when attempting to access the destination folder {0}. Verify that the destination folder or file share ...
  29. An error occurred when attempting to connect to the Analysis Services database. Ensure that the server is started and that ...
  30. An error occurred when attempting to connect to the report server remote procedure call (RPC) end point. Verify that the ...
  31. An error occurred when retrieving report parameters for report '{0}'. Verify that the report path is correct and that the ...
  32. An error occurred when sampling data from the database. If the problem is due to timeout expired, you may increase the query ...
  33. An error occurred when saving changes to report '{0}', or to the report data sources or parameters. Verify that you have ...
  34. An error occurred while accessing an internal object. This could indicate a custom extension built for Integration Services ...
  35. An error occurred while accessing the database mirroring metadata. Drop mirroring (ALTER DATABASE database_name SET PARTNER ...
  36. An error occurred while adding the global variables to the scripting host namespace. This might prevent the task from using ...
  37. An error occurred while adding the managed SSIS type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed. ...
  38. An error occurred while adding the managed type library to the script host. Verify that the DTS 2000 runtime is installed. ...
  39. An error occurred while adding the SSIS variables to the script host namespace. This might prevent the task from using SSIS ...
  40. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  41. An error occurred while attempting to access the Subscriber Replication Component (replsub.dll). Ensure that the component ...
  42. An error occurred while attempting to perform data conversion. The source type could not be converted to the destination ...
  43. An error occurred while attempting to register the endpoint '%1!s!'. One or more of the ports specified in the CREATE ENDPOINT ...
  44. An error occurred while connection managers were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize SSIS connection manager ...
  45. An error occurred while creating an encrypted connection to download credentials. Verify that the certificate store on the ...
  46. An error occurred while data was being merged into the %{partName/} partition. Partitions that are to be merged must be of ...
  47. An error occurred while data was being merged into the %{partName/} partition. Partitions that are to be merged must belong ...
  48. An error occurred while data was being merged into the %{partName/} partition. Partitions that are to be merged must use ...
  49. An error occurred while data was being merged into the %{partName/} partition. Source partitions must be different from the ...
  50. An error occurred while data was being written to the query log. Although the table was created, query logging has stopped. ...
  51. An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error was ignored because ...
  52. An error occurred while decrypting %1!s! '%2!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE option can be used to ...
  53. An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The error ...
  54. An error occurred while decrypting the password for linked login '%1!s!' that was encrypted by the old master key. The FORCE ...
  55. An error occurred while deleting sent messages from the transmission queue, Error: %1!s!, State: %2!s!. Verify that no other ...
  56. An error occurred while executing the script. Verify that the script engine for the selected language is installed properly. ...
  57. An error occurred while executing the script. Verify that the scripting engine for the selected language is installed properly. ...
  58. An error occurred while extracting terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 3!8.8X!. Please remove ...
  59. An error occurred while informing replication of the backup. The backup will continue, but the replication environment should ...
  60. An error occurred while looking up terms on row %1!ld!, column %2!ld!. The error code returned was 3!8.8X!. Please remove ...
  61. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: No certificate was ...
  62. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  63. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  64. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate found ...
  65. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate has ...
  66. An error occurred while looking up the public key certificate associated with this SQL Server instance: The certificate is ...
  67. An error occurred while named instance information was being retrieved from the SQLBrowser service on the '%{server/}' server. ...
  68. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize design time properties of selected objects. ...
  69. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not wrap the serialized SSIS Runtime objects into ...
  70. An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer was unable to get the selection of objects to copy to the ...
  71. An error occurred while obtaining the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) port. Make sure that SQL Browser is running, ...
  72. An error occurred while parsing the '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ('%{strNSURI/}' namespace) ...
  73. An error occurred while parsing the script text. Verify that the scripting engine for the chosen language is installed properly. ...
  74. An error occurred while preparing the query "%1!s!" for execution against OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". ...
  75. An error occurred while processing '%1!s!' metadata for database id %2!s!, file id %3!s!, and transaction='%4!s!'. Additional ...