SQL Server 2008

  1. A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused ...
  2. A system failure occurred during the last call. However, an error description could not be obtained. To get more detailed ...
  3. A system job category named Log Shipping has been added since SQL Server 2005. If an installation being upgraded already ...
  4. A table with the name '%1!s!' given for MatchIndexName already exists and DropExistingMatchIndex is set to FALSE. Transform ...
  5. A time dimension is required to enable this functionality. Ensure that you have a dimension of type Time, that contains at ...
  6. A time series prediction was requested with a start time further in the past than the internal models of the mining model, ...
  7. A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch - type %1!s!, bp %2!s!, page %3!s!:%4!s!, stat %5!s!, database id: %6!s!, ...
  8. A timeout occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query in resource pool '%1!s!' (%2!s!). Rerun the query. ...
  9. A trace control request could not be processed because invalid parameters were specified when events were registered. Confirm ...
  10. A transactional log backup could not be generated because the database is in either NORECOVERY mode or STANDBY mode. Primary ...
  11. A truncation occurred during evaluation of the expression. The truncation occurred during evaluation, which may include any ...
  12. A user request from the session with SPID %1!s! generated a fatal exception. SQL Server is terminating this session. Contact ...
  13. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized ...
  14. A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized ...
  15. A value for the parameter @retention cannot be specified when the job type is 'capture'. Specify NULL for the parameter, ...
  16. A value generated by the Time Dimension Generator (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator.dll) was of an unexpected ...
  17. A value in the key column in the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model is missing. A key column value is required ...
  18. A value was specified for the SkippedLevels property of a member, but no binding was specified for the SkippedLevels property ...
  19. A variable specified was not found in the collection. It might not exist in the correct scope. Verify that the variable exists ...
  20. A Wait Category combines the wait time for closely-related wait types. See "Active User Tasks" for individual wait types. ...
  21. A weighted average of wait time over the last 1 to 2 minutes. Similar to the "Wait Time (ms/sec)" column, but with less variability. ...
  22. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  23. A wildcard-only template for performance counter object name is not allowed. Specify full object name or partial wildcard, ...
  24. A worker thread in the Sort transformation stopped with error code 1!8.8X!. A catastrophic error was encountered while sorting ...
  25. A {2} expression used for the report parameter '{1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in ...
  26. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a data source. Data sources cannot be used in report parameter ...
  27. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a dataset. Datasets cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  28. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions. ...
  29. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a parameter. Parameters cannot be used in report parameter ...
  30. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' refers to a report item. Report items cannot be used in report parameter ...
  31. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the aggregate function Previous. Previous cannot be used in report ...
  32. A {2} expression used for the report parameter {1}' uses the aggregate function RunningValue. RunningValue cannot be used ...
  33. A {2} for the {0} {1}' includes an aggregate function. Aggregate functions cannot be used in dataset filters or data region ...
  34. A {2} in the matrix {1}' contains more than one report item. Each section in a matrix can contain at most one report item. ...
  35. A {2} in the {0} {1}' has an invalid {2} name, '{3}'. {2} names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {4} characters. ...
  36. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has a duplicate name, '{3}'. {2} names must be unique within the report. ...
  37. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has an invalid name, '{3}'. {2} names must be CLS-compliant identifiers. ...
  38. A {2} within the grouping '{4}' in the {0} '{1}' has an invalid name, '{3}'. {2} names must be greater than 0 and less than ...
  39. Access is denied to full-text log path. Full-text logging is disabled for database '%1!s!', catalog '%2!s!' (database ID ...
  40. Access Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Applications (VSTA) to write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 or Microsoft ...
  41. Access Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Applications (VSTA) to write scripts using the Visual Basic 2008 or Visual ...
  42. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  43. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  44. Accessing this server via SQL Management Objects (SMO) or Distributed Management Objects (DMO) is currently not permitted. ...
  45. Account Retry Attempts, Account Retry Delay, Maximum File Size, Database Mail Executable Minimum Lifetime, and Maximum Number ...
  46. Active rowset for partition ID %1!s! found at the end of the batch. This error may indicate incorrect exception handling. ...
  47. Add a matrix to the report. A matrix displays data grouped by rows and columns, much like a PivotTable report or crosstab. ...
  48. Add and order the configuration files that the package uses at run time. The configurations are not imported and they cannot ...
  49. Add and order the files that contain execution command lines. The command lines are not imported and they cannot be edited. ...
  50. Add data fields to the chart. For most chart types, a field in the Categories list is displayed on the x-axis. A field in ...
  51. Add logging to the provider by selecting a log provider. In the Configuration String column, enter the name of the connection ...
  52. Add or remove SQL Server logins, server roles, or msdb database roles to grant access to the proxy account. Members of the ...
  53. Add reports, models, folders, resources, shared data sources, and other documents to document libraries, add items to lists ...
  54. Add script recommendations for statistic '{0}' on object {1} were not generated. Statistic already exists on the server. ...
  55. Add the service account for the mirror server instance, '{0}' as a login and grant it CONNECT permission on the mirroring ...
  56. Add the service account for the principal server instance, '{0}' as a login and grant it CONNECT permission on the mirroring ...
  57. Add the service account for the witness server instance, '{0}' as a login and grant it CONNECT permission on the mirroring ...
  58. Adding access control entry '{2}' to registry key '{0}' in view '{1}' in order to configure the SQL Server Browser service. ...
  59. Adding column '%1!s!' to table '%2!s!' failed. Articles can have at most %3!s! columns, including columns that have been ...
  60. Adding or changing a formula to the selected column will delete all indexes and relationships it participates in. Do you ...
  61. Adding or changing a formula to the selected column will delete all relationships it participates in as a foreign key. Do ...
  62. Adding substitution property '{0}' with value '{1}' to the dictionary of substitution properties in order to generate access ...
  63. Adding the selected columns will result in an index key with a maximum length of {0} bytes. The maximum permissible index ...
  64. Adding the selected columns will result in an index key with a minimum length of {0} bytes. The maximum permissible index ...
  65. Adding the selected columns will result in an index key with {0} columns. The maximum permissible number of index key columns ...
  66. Adding the selected columns will result in an XML index key with {0} columns. The maximum permissible number of index key ...
  67. Adding the selected columns will result in statistics with {0} columns. The maximum number of columns in statistics is 16. ...
  68. Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) requires the 'lock pages in memory' privilege which is not currently present in the access ...
  69. Adds data to an existing mining structure that contains a nested table by specifying new data and converting the data to ...
  70. Adds the following components to the basic management tools installation: Management Studio support for Reporting Services, ...
  71. ADJUSTEDPROBABILITY=3=$AdjustedProbability is a selectable column from PredictHistogram or Predict(.,INCLUDE_STATISTICS). ...
  72. Afghanistan:Albania:Algeria:Andorra:Angola:Anguilla:Antarctica:Antigua and Barbuda:Argentina:Armenia:Aruba:Ashmore and Cartier ...
  73. After a table has been filtered, you can extend that filter to a second table by creating a join. When Subscribers receive ...
  74. After adding a new merge article, you must generate a new snapshot before changes from any subscription can be merged. Although ...
  75. After execution, some buffers were left outstanding. Some transform is hanging onto buffer references and if it freed them ...